News Release
Joint Review Panel Submits Environmental Assessment Report for the Deep Geologic Repository Project

OTTAWA, May 6, 2015 – The Joint Review Panel for the proposed Deep Geologic Repository Project for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste (DGR) today submitted its Environmental Assessment Report to the federal Minister of the Environment according to its mandated timelines and Terms of Reference. The report includes the conclusions, rationale and recommendations of the Panel.

The completion of the report follows the Panel's review of participant submissions and documents related to the Environmental Impact Statement submitted by Ontario Power Generation, as well as the public hearing held by the Panel in the project area. The Panel held public hearing sessions from September 16 to October 11, 2013 and October 28 to 30, 2013, in Kincardine and Port Elgin, Ontario. Additional public hearing days were held in Kincardine from September 9 to 18, 2014.

During the review, the Panel received written submissions and oral presentations from the proponent and participants including Aboriginal groups, federal and provincial government agencies, local governments, environmental groups, individuals and organizations.

As required by the Joint Review Panel Agreement, the Minister of the Environment will make the Panel report public. To view the environmental assessment information and documents, consult the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry at, reference number 17520.

About the Joint Review Panel

The Panel was appointed in January 2012 by the federal Minister of the Environment and the President of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and was mandated to assess the environmental effects of the project under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. The Panel was also mandated to obtain the information required for the consideration of the Licence to Prepare a Site and Construct the project under the Nuclear Safety and Control Act. The Panel Agreement and Terms of Reference detail how the review was to be conducted and the specified time frame.

About the Project

The DGR is a proposal by Ontario Power Generation to prepare a site, and construct and operate a facility for the long-term management of low and intermediate level radioactive waste at the Bruce nuclear site, within the Municipality of Kincardine, Ontario.


Media may contact:

Lucille Jamault
Joint Review Panel - Deep Geologic Repository
Tel.: 613-957-0434 / 613-552-5253

Document reference number: 2204

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