Public Notice – Revised
Red Mountain Underground Gold Project — Public Comment Period & Open House

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) invite the public to comment on the potential environmental, heritage, health, social, and economic effects of the Red Mountain Underground Gold Project and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the proponent's Environmental Impact Statement / Application (EIS / Application).

The proposed Red Mountain Underground Gold Project is subject to both the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Act, and is undergoing a cooperative environmental assessment.

The EIS / Application and more information are available on the Agency's website at (Registry reference number 80093) and the EAO's website at A summary of the EIS is available on the Agency's website.

Written comments must be submitted between November 14 and December 14, 2017:

By Email:

By Online Form:

By Fax:

By Mail:

Red Mountain Underground Gold Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
410-701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V7Y 1C6


Red Mountain Underground Gold Project
Environmental Assessment Office
P.O. Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9V1

Comments submitted to either the Agency or the EAO will be considered in both the provincial and federal environmental assessments and may be submitted in either official language.

All submissions received by the Agency and the EAO during this comment period are considered public. They will be posted to the EAO's website and will become part of the Agency's project file. For information on the Agency's privacy policies, consult the Privacy Notice on its website. For information on the EAO's privacy policies, consult the Policy on Public Comments on its website.

Copies of the complete EIS / Application and the summaries in both official languages are available for viewing at the following locations:

  • Stewart Public Library
    322 5th Avenue
    Stewart, B.C.
  • Hyder Public Library
    50 Main Street
    Hyder, Alaska
    United States of America
  • Laxgalts'ap Community Center
    441 Church Street
    Laxgalts'ap, B.C.
  • Laxgalts'ap Village Government
    416 North Road
    Laxgalts'ap, B.C.
  • Gitlaxt'aamiks Village Government
    5200 Skateen Drive
    Gitlaxt'aamiks, B.C.
  • Gitwinksihlkw Village Government
    3004 Ts'oohl Ts'ap
    Gitwinksihlkw, B.C.
  • Gingolx Longhouse
    301 Front Street
    Gingolx, B.C.

Open House

An open house will be held in Stewart, B.C., and will include booths and posters with information on the project and the EIS / Application. Provincial and federal representatives will be available to answer questions regarding the environmental assessment process. The proponent will also be attending and will be available to answer questions on the project.

December 4, 2017 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
King Edward Hotel & Motel
405 5th Avenue
Stewart, B.C.

The Proposed Project

IDM Mining Ltd. proposes to construct, operate and decommission an underground gold-silver mine located approximately 15 kilometres east of Stewart, British Columbia. As proposed, the Red Mountain Underground Gold Project would produce approximately 1,000 tonnes of mineral ore per day and 365,000 tonnes per year, over an operational mine life of six years.

Document reference number: 22

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