Environmental Impact Statement

  • Chapters 1 to 3 (PDF – 4.86 MB)
    • 1.0 Introduction
    • 2.0 Project Description
    • 3.0 Consultation and Engagement
  • Chapter 4 (PDF – 75.6 MB)
    • 4.0 Existing Marine Physical and Biological Environment
  • Chapters 5 to 12 (PDF – 8.08 MB)
    • 5.0 Environmental Assessment Scope and Methods
    • 6.0 Environmental Effects Assessment
    • 7.0 Accidental Events
    • 8.0 Effects of the Environment on the Project
    • 9.0 Cumulative Effects
    • 10.0 Summary of Environmental Effects
    • 11.0 Summary and Conclusions
    • 12.0 References

Numéro de référence du document : 28

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