Archived - Quaqtaq Phase II of the Nunavik Marine Infrastructure Program

Quaqtaq (QC)

Reasons for a Federal Assessment
Project Description
Final Decision
Follow-up Program

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Reference Number

Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry: 06-01-24731

Environmental Assessment Type


Other Assessment Process

James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement Regime

Responsible or Regulated Authorities

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Reasons for a Federal Assessment

On December 19, 2006, it was determined that an environmental assessment was required in relation to the project because Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada considered providing financial assistance to the proponent and Fisheries and Oceans Canada considered providing financial assistance to the proponent and considered taking action in relation to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act.

Project Description (as posted in the Notice of Commencement)

PHase II of marine infrastructure project at Quaqtaq includes: - small breakwater (Mission Cove) - breakwater at Tuliraq measuring 195 m long - new 30 m wide ramp at Tuliraq - repair of existing ramp at Tuliraq -enlarged service area of 3350 m2 - navigational and parking lights - exploitation of existing quarry to extract 80 000 m3 of materials. Construction will begin in mid April 2007 and finish in mid October 2007.

Final Decision

A decision was taken on May 10, 2007 and was that the authorities may exercise any power or perform any duty or function with respect to the project because, after taking into consideration the screening report and taking into account the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, the authorities are of the opinion that the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Follow-up Program

It was determined that a follow-up program to verify the accuracy of the environmental assessment and/or determine the effectiveness of any measures taken to mitigate the adverse environmental effects is required for this project. For further information or to obtain a copy of the follow-up program, please contact Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.