Archived - Nunavik Inuit Comprehensive Land Claim Survey Program

Digges Islands (NU)

Reasons for a Federal Assessment
Project Description
Final Decision

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Reference Number

Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry: 09-01-49250

Environmental Assessment Type


Responsible or Regulated Authorities

Natural Resources Canada

Reasons for a Federal Assessment

On July 20, 2009, it was determined that an environmental assessment was required in relation to the project because Natural Resources Canada was the proponent for the project and considered providing financial assistance to the proponent.

Project Description (as posted in the Notice of Commencement)

This project entails the legal survey and demarcation of the rectilinear boundaries of exclusions (Canada Lands) identified by the Nunavik Inuit Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (NILCA). The project is mandatory and will be conducted by a licensed professional contactor, Canada Land Surveyor on behalf of the federal government and will involve helicopter support and transport.

The project entails the installation of approximately 52 survey monuments. The installation survey work will consist of placing, at intervals of roughly one km, a survey monument. The survey monument consists of a brass cap, (diameter of a few cm) threaded on a one metre-long iron rod, planted in soil using a heavy sledgehammer, or cemented into bedrock. The footprint of each monument is limited to the size of the brass cap so the footprint of the combined area of all the monuments of the project is less than twenty-five square metres.

The individual installation of survey monuments will require a small work crew of 3-4 people. The crews will be flown in and out of each of the locations by helicopter.

Final Decision

The environmental assessment was terminated on July 29, 2010 because a decision had been made to not exercise any power or perform any duty or function referred to in section 5 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act in relation to the project.