Archived - Construction of a new hotel

Salluit, Bassin de (QC)

Reasons for a Federal Assessment
Project Description
Final Decision

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Reference Number

Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry: 06-01-19865

Environmental Assessment Type


Responsible or Regulated Authorities

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Reasons for a Federal Assessment

On June 7, 2006, it was determined that an environmental assessment was required in relation to the project because Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada considered providing financial assistance to the proponent.

Project Description (as posted in the Notice of Commencement)

The project is for the construction of a new hotel in Quebec. Dimensions of the building are 69' X 48' and will have an average height of 30'. The hotel will be connected to the network of provisioning of water, sewer and management of the waste already provided by the municipality. This network operates using vehicles dedicated to these uses since there are no networks of drain of aqueduct or sewer. No municipal infrastructure will thus be connected to the building.

Final Decision

On July 6, 2012, the new Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 came into force which replaced the former Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. As a result, there is no longer a requirement to complete the environmental assessment of this project.