News Release
Hopes Advance Iron Mining Project – Federal Funding Allocated to Participate in the Environmental Assessment

OTTAWA, October 28, 2013 — The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has allocated a total of $100,000 to two applicants to support their participation in the federal environmental assessment of the proposed Hopes Advance Iron Mining Project, located in Quebec.

This funding was made available to the public and Aboriginal groups through the Participant Funding Program administered by the Agency. It will enable participation in upcoming steps of the environmental assessment, which include reviewing and providing comments on the Environmental Impact Statement and draft Environmental Assessment Report.

Details of Allocation
Applicant Allocation
Makivik Corporation $50,000
Nunavik Land Holding Corporation of Aupaluk $50,000
Total $100,000

For more information on the Participant Funding Program, the federal environmental assessment process and the project, please visit the Agency's website (Registry reference number: 80008).

As part of the strengthened and modernized Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 put in place to support the government's Responsible Resource Development Initiative, the Agency is conducting a federal environmental assessment of this project.

This project is being assessed using a science-based approach. If it is permitted to proceed to the next phase, it will continue to be subject to Canada's strong environmental laws, rigorous enforcement and follow-up, and increased fines.

The Proposed Project

Oceanic Iron Ore Corporation is proposing the construction, operation, and decommissioning of an open-pit iron ore mine near Aupaluk, in Nunavik. The proponent estimates that the mine will generate from 10 to 20 million tonnes of iron ore concentrate product per year over a planned operation period of 48 years, with a daily average extraction rate of 72,000 to 144,000 tonnes. The ore would be concentrated by a process based on gravity separation. For the shipment of the iron ore to European and Asian markets, the proponent is proposing to construct a marine terminal consisting of a 330 meter loading wharf, a tug moorage area, a commercial wharf, and a causeway. The concentrate would then be pumped to the marine terminal through a 26 kilometre-long pipeline for shipping. The proponent may opt for a 190 megawatt thermal generating station as an energy source for his operations. Based on the proponent's tentative timelines, production would start in 2016.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.


For more information, media may contact:
Sofie McCoy-Astell
Communications Advisor
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Telephone: 613-960-1519

Document reference number: 13

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