Public Notice
Shelburne Basin Venture Exploration Drilling Project –
Additional Federal Funding Allocated to Support Aboriginal
Participation in Environmental Assessment

July 25, 2014 — The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has allocated $30,000 to the St. Mary's First Nation to support its participation in the environmental assessment of the proposed Shelburne Basin Venture Exploration Drilling Project, located 250 kilometres off the coast of Nova Scotia.

This funding was made available to Aboriginal groups through the Participant Funding Program administered by the Agency. It will enable participation in upcoming steps of the environmental assessment, which include reviewing and providing comments on the Environmental Impact Statement and draft Environmental Assessment Report.

For more information on the Participant Funding Program, the federal environmental assessment process and the project, please visit the Agency's website (Registry reference number 80058).

The Proposed Project

Shell Canada Limited is proposing to conduct an exploratory drilling program approximately 250 kilometres off the coast of Nova Scotia, consisting of up to seven exploration wells within Exploration Licenses 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2429, and 2430, over a four year period from 2015 to 2019.

Document reference number: 18

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