Public Notice
Akasaba West Copper-Gold Mine Project — Public Comments Invited

February 21, 2018 – The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) is conducting a federal environmental assessment for the proposed Akasaba West Copper-Gold Mine Project, located in Quebec.

The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the draft Environmental Assessment Report, a document that includes the Agency's conclusions and recommendations regarding the potential environmental effects of the project, the proposed mitigation measures, the significance of adverse environmental effects, and the follow-up program.

The Agency also invites the public and Indigenous groups to comment on the potential environmental assessment conditions for the project. Final conditions would become legally binding on the proponent if the project is allowed to proceed.

All comments received will be considered public. Written comments in either official language must be submitted by March 23, 2018 to:

Akasaba West Copper-Gold Mine Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
901-1550 d'Estimauville Avenue
Quebec, Quebec G1J 0C1
Telephone: 418-649-6444

Map depicting the location of the project, as described in the current document.

To view the draft Environmental Assessment Report and potential conditions, visit the Agency's website at (Registry reference number 80090). Printed copies are also available at the following locations.

  • Council of the Anicinapek of Kitcisakik
    100-615 avenue Centrale
    , Quebec
  • Council of the Nation Anishnabe of Lac Simon
    1026 boulevard Cicip
    Lac Simon
    , Quebec
  • Library of Val-d'Or
    600, 7e rue
    , Quebec

For more information on the Agency's privacy policies, consult the Privacy Notice on its website at

The Proposed Project

Agnico Eagle Mines Limited is proposing the construction, operation, and decommissioning of an open-pit copper and gold mine with an ore production capacity of approximately 3,000 to 4,000 tonnes per day for four to six years. The proposed project is located approximately 15 kilometres east of Val-d'Or, Quebec. The ore will be processed by the Goldex mine concentrator, which is also located near Val-d'Or. Tailings from the proposed project will be used to restore the Manitou mine site, an old tailings facility of high environmental concern.

Document reference number: 36

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