From the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to BP Canada Energy Group ULC re: Outcome of conformity review of responses to Round I Information Requirements for the proposed Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Suite 200
1801 Hollis Street
Halifax NS B3J 3N4

Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale
Bureau 200
1801 rue Hollis
Halifax, NE B3J 3N4

May 7, 2019

Sent by E-mail

Heather Giddens
Environmental Impact Advisor
BP Canada Energy Group ULC
10th Floor, Founders Square
1701 Hollis Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3M8

Dear Ms. Giddens,

SUBJECT: Outcome of conformity review of responses to Round I Information Requirements for the proposed Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project

On April 5, 2019, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) received BP Canada Energy Group ULC's responses to Information Requirements (IRs) issued by the Agency on February 13, 2019. The Agency developed the IRs based on a review by the Agency, other federal authorities, Indigenous groups and the public of the Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and associated EIS Summary. The Agency requires acceptable responses to IRs in order to complete its review of the EIS and to proceed with the preparation of its Environmental Assessment Report.

The Agency has completed an initial review of BP's April 5, 2019 submission to determine whether it is sufficient to proceed with a technical review and pose follow-up questions, as necessary. The Agency has identified three responses that do not provide sufficient information:

  • IR-48
  • IR-49
  • IR-50

The Agency therefore re-iterates the requirements stated in the above-noted IRs. We are available to discuss the IRs and required information at your convenience.

The Agency will commence a technical review of the remaining IR responses, during which it will seek input from federal authorities and Indigenous groups. The Agency may request further information based on the outcome of technical review.

The timeline for the EA will be paused, effective May 7 2019. Once BP has submitted revised responses to the non-conforming IRs, the Agency will take a period of up to 15 days without the timeline resuming to form an opinion on whether the required information has been provided. If the Agency determines the responses to be complete, it will commence a technical review of the remaining IRs and the timeline for the environmental assessment will resume the following day. If the responses are determined to be incomplete, you will be notified at that time. If the Agency has not come to a conclusion after 15 days, the timelines will resume the next day. For further information, please consult the Agency document Information Requests and Timelines

This letter may be shared with Indigenous groups and posted on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry Internet Site:

Should BP have any questions regarding the technical review of the EIS, please contact me at 902-399-8834 or via email at


<Original signed by>

Kathryn MacCarthy
Project Manager
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency - Atlantic Region

Cc: Elizabeth Young, Canada - Newfoundland Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
Bret Pilgrim, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Glenn Troke, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Jason Flanagan, Transport Canada
Allison Denning, Health Canada
Maximilien Genest, Natural Resources Canada
Vanessa Rodrigues, Parks Canada
Carla Stevens, Major Projects Management Office
Carol Lee Giffin, Department National Defence
Joe Behar, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Document reference number: 18

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