Covered Structure - Public Comments Invited

The Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) site is owned by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), a Federal Authority under the Impact Assessment Act 2019 (IAA 2019).  Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd is responsible for the management and operations of AECL's sites, including the CRL site, pursuant to a long-term contractual arrangement. To help inform a determination under section 82 of the IAA 2019 in relation to the construction of the covered structure at the CRL site, CNL is inviting comments from the public.

The proposed project is to construct a covered structure at the Chalk River Laboratories.  The purpose of this covered structure is to enclose a concrete crushing and segregation facility.  The new structure will allow for better dust control, and will create a safer more productive work environment for the operators and pedestrian traffic.  The activities associated with this project will occur on an existing Atomic Energy of Canada site where the land has been previously disturbed by past facility operations. The work will involve erecting a structure and include: clearing of necessary vegetation to allow for the new structure and associated access routes, the installation of concrete footings and foundation, installation of a draining system, the construction of a gravel road around the structure for emergency vehicles, and the final installation of the structure.

Document reference number: 1

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