Notice determination

November 21, 2019 – Indigenous Services Canada has determined that the proposed Dokis First Nation Hydro Line Servicing is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


The determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • The community has an operational First Nations Land Management regime, which allows the community to undertake a detailed assessment of projects which meet or exceed Canadian Environmental Laws
  • The addition of hydro lines will be a net benefit to the First Nation community as it will provide needed electrical infrastructure to new homes in the area
  • Hydro pole and line installation is a well-established practice, with known environmental effects that can be easily mitigated with current techniques and technologies


Implementation of mitigation measures is required for the project to address:

  • Impacts to bird breeding from tree removal – timing windows will be employed to ensure that bird breeding is not impacted
  • Fuel related spills – spill kits will be made available and on hand during work


Indigenous Services Canada is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Indigenous Services Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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