Notice of Impact Assessment Decision with Reasons

Ottawa — January 22, 2020 - The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) has decided that an impact assessment is required for the Gazoduq Project (the Project) located in Quebec and Ontario.

In accordance subsection 16(2) of Impact Assessment Act (IAA), the Agency has taken into account each of the following factors:

  • the proponent's Detailed Project Description, and its response to the summary of relevant issues;
  • the possibility that carrying out the Project may cause adverse effects within federal jurisdiction and adverse direct and incidental effects;
  • adverse impacts that the Project may have on the rights of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982; and
  • comments received from the public, Indigenous groups, federal authorities, and other jurisdictions in relation to the Project. The Agency received over six hundred comments on the Project, including over thirty submissions, raising the potential effects of the Project on greenhouse gas emissions and the Project's contribution to climate change, social acceptability of the Project, effects on Indigenous groups and their rights, socio-economic impacts, effects on species, biodiversity and the immediate biophysical environment and the risks associated with accidents and malfunctions.

The Agency is not aware of any relevant regional or strategic assessments, or any relevant studies conducted or plans prepared by another jurisdiction, in respect of the region in which the Project would be located.

In light of the factors considered, the Agency is of the view that the Project may cause adverse effects within federal jurisdiction, including potential effects on fish and fish habitat, aquatic species, migratory birds, and changes to the health, social, economic and environmental conditions of Indigenous people. The Project may also adversely impact the rights of Indigenous groups. As a result, the Agency has decided that an impact assessment under the IAA is required.

The Project includes activities that are regulated by the Canada Energy Regulator. Section 43 of the IAA requires the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to refer the impact assessment of the Project to an integrated review by a panel. Further information on the impact assessment by a Review Panel for the Project will be made available.

For further information on this impact assessment, please contact:

Gazoduq Project
Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
901-1550, d'Estimauville Avenue
Québec, QC, G1J 0C1
Telephone: 418-649-6444
Fax: 418-649-6443
Canadian Impact Assessment Agency:


Document reference number: 573

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