News Release
Gazoduq Project — Participant Funding Available

Update: The deadline to submit your funding application is now July 15, 2020, in light of the circumstances surrounding COVID-19.

May 15, 2020 — Ottawa — Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) is making funding available through its Participant Funding Program to assist the participation of the public and Indigenous groups and Nations in the impact assessment for the proposed Gazoduq Project, a natural gas pipeline approximately 780 kilometres long, located between northeastern Ontario and Saguenay, Quebec.

Under the Impact Assessment Act, the assessment of designated projects that include physical activities regulated under the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, such as the construction of an interprovincial natural gas pipeline, must proceed by way of integrated impact assessment by review panel. The Agency will work in collaboration with the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) throughout the integrated assessment process.

Funding is available for eligible individuals and groups to assist their participation in upcoming steps of the integrated assessment with the CER. The next steps include reviewing and providing comments on the Review Panel Terms of Reference and the proponent's Impact Statement and participating in public hearings.

Applications received by June 30, 2020, will be considered.

The Agency recognizes that it is more challenging to undertake meaningful public engagement and Indigenous consultation in light of the circumstances arising from COVID-19. The Agency continues to assess the situation with key stakeholders, make adjustments to consultation activities, and is providing flexibility as needed in order to prioritize the health and safety of all Canadians, while maintaining its duty to conduct meaningful engagement with interested groups.

To apply for funding, complete the Application Form for assessments undertaken by a Review Panel available on the Agency's website at under Funding Programs. For more information, contact the Participant Funding Program by writing to, or by calling 1-866-582-1884.

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Impact Assessment Agency of Canada

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Document reference number: 802

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