Notice of intent to make a determination

"The BNA Road Access Project" – Public Comments Invited

February 28, 2020 – Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed "BNA Road Access Project", located in Bingwi Neyaashi Anishinaabek is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by March 28, 2020 to:

Aaron Pervais

Indigenous Services Canada, 100 Anemki Place, Suite 101, Fort William First Nation, ON


The Proposed Project

The BNA Access Road Project involves the improvement of the current access road - called "Copper Thunderbird Road" - from the entrance of the BNA Industrial Park, into Phase 1 Housing. It will include the development of a new road from the end of Phase 1 Housing back to the Cultural Road, and connect back to the main Copper Thunderbird access road. There is approximately 5 km of road that will be improved/developed as part of this Project. The Project involves the development of the Papasay Pit just north of the community in order to produce 2" minus gravel for the road fill, the removal of trees in the right-of-way and widening to MTO First Nation Roads Program specifications, ditching, and bringing up the road base with aggregate.  One culvert will be replaced at a shallow creek which eventually becomes the Black Sands River.  BNA will ensure that all applicable Ministry environmental guidelines for culvert replacement work are reviewed and that all suitable mitigation measures are followed.  BNA will also make sure that MNRF and DFO requirements are met. 

Document reference number: 1

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