Public Notice

Castle Project — Public Comments Invited

What is happening?

October 14, 2020 — The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) has accepted an initial project description for the proposed Castle Project, located in British Columbia.

The Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to review the summary of the initial project description and provide feedback related to the proposed project. Comments received will support the Agency in the preparation of a summary of issues. To prepare this document, the Agency will also consider information gathered as part of the project's designation process under the Impact Assessment Act, including issues related to transboundary effects, water quality and effects to fish and fish habitat, greenhouse gas emissions and impacts to the rights of Indigenous peoples as well as jobs and economic benefits. Once completed, the Agency will provide the summary of issues to the proponent, Teck Coal Limited.

The Agency recognizes it is more challenging to undertake meaningful public engagement and Indigenous consultation in light of the circumstances arising from COVID-19. The Agency continues to assess the situation with key stakeholders, make adjustments to consultation activities, and is providing flexibility as needed in order to prioritize the health and safety of all Canadians, while maintaining its duty to conduct meaningful engagement with interested groups.

How can I participate?

Comments can be submitted online by visiting the project home page on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (reference number 80702). All comments received will be published online as part of the project file. For more information on the project, the review process and alternative means of submitting comments, visit the Agency's website at

Written comments in either official language will be accepted until November 3, 2020.

The Agency is cooperating closely with British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) to ensure a single assessment process for the Castle Project that meets the requirements of both the provincial and federal government, in accordance with the Impact Assessment Cooperation Agreement Between Canada and British Columbia (2019). Any comments previously submitted to the EAO as part of the provincial review process do not need to be submitted again.

To view the summary of the initial project description online, visit the Agency's website at Printed copies are available upon request.

Will there be more opportunities to participate?

This is the first federal comment period for the project. If the Agency determines a federal impact assessment is required, the public and Indigenous groups will have additional opportunities to participate over the course of the impact assessment process.

Stay updated by following the Agency on Twitter: @IAAC_AEIC #CastleProject

What is the proposed project?

Teck Coal Limited is proposing to expand its existing Fording River Operations, a metallurgical coal mine located approximately 29 kilometres north of Elkford, British Columbia. As proposed, the Castle Project would include project-specific components such as an open pit, waste-rock storage areas, warehouses, maintenance and fueling facilities, access roads on Castle Mountain and linkages to Fording River Operations' power and utilities. The Castle Project would maintain the production capacity of 10 million tonnes per year (27,400 tonnes per day). Although the exact mine life is currently unknown, it is expected to be several decades.

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Document reference number: 221

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