Public Notice

Potential Regional Assessment of the St. Lawrence River Area

Participant Funding Available

What is happening?

November 26, 2020 — Funding provided by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) is now available to help the public and Indigenous peoples participate in engagement activities related to a Potential Regional Assessment of the St. Lawrence River Area, located in Quebec.

In July 2020, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke wrote to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to request a regional assessment of the St. Lawrence River area. The Minister determined more information and engagement is needed before he can decide whether to proceed with a regional assessment.

The Agency recognizes it is more challenging to undertake meaningful public engagement and Indigenous consultation in light of the circumstances arising from COVID-19. The Agency continues to assess the situation, make adjustments to consultation activities, and is providing flexibility as needed in order to prioritize the health and safety of all Canadians, while fulfilling its responsibility to conduct meaningful engagement with interested groups.

How can I apply for funding?

Funding is available for eligible individuals and groups to assist their participation in engagement activities related to the potential regional assessment, including workshops and meetings. These activities will include discussions on whether there is a need for a regional assessment of the St. Lawrence River area, and its potential nature, objectives and outcomes.

Applications received by December 16, 2020, will be considered.

To apply for funding, please contact the Participant Funding Program to request an application form by writing to, or by calling 1-866-582-1884. For more information about the funding process, please visit the Funding Programs website.

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