West Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project - Participant Funding Allocated

The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada allocated federal funds to the following recipients to assist their participation in specific activities related to the environmental assessment for this proposed project.

Details of Funding Allocation for the Project


Total Funding Allocation

Conseil des Innu de Ekuanitshit


Elsipogtog First Nation


Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW-Unifor)


Innu Nation


Kwilmu'kw Maw-klusuaqn Negotiation Office


Miawpukek First Nation


Mi'gmawei Mawiomi Secretariat


Mi'gmawe'l Tplu'taqnn Inc.


NunatuKavut Community Council


Wolastoqey Nation in New Brunswick


World Wildlife Fund Canada




For more information about participant funding, please visit the Funding Programs website.

Document reference number: 80

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