Fence and Obstacle Course - Vernon Military Camp
Public Comment Period on Intent to Make a Determination
Fence and Obstacle Course – Vernon Military Camp
July 28, 2022 — The authorities must decide whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.
To help inform this decision, the authorities are inviting comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.
Written comments must be submitted by August 16, 2022 to:
Joel Keddy, Project Manager
Real Property Operations Unit (Pacific) Detachment Chilliwack
5535 Korea Road
Chilliwack BC V2R 5P2
E-mail Address:Joel.keddy@forces.gc.ca
The Proposed Project
The authorities have proposed a project which consists of the installation of a new chain-link fence at Watson House and upgrades to the existing military obstacle course at the Vernon Training area near Highway 97, at 3100 15th Avenue, Vernon British Columbia. All components of the Project are minor in scope; however, there is potential that species at risk may use the area, and completion of an assessment allows for understanding of any potential adverse impacts.
The new fence, 323 metres in length, will be installed along Highway 97 and tied into the existing chain-link fences on the north and south sides of the property. The fence will be a metal chain-link fence with barbed wire topper. The fence will be comprised of thirty 25.4 centimetre diameter poles with footings at a depth of 4.2 meters belowground. A vehicle gate will be installed at the currently paved entrance to the area, to allow controlled entrance to the property.
The existing military obstacle course currently in use is at the end of its life and has several sections that need to be replaced for safety concerns. There are no records of the design of the underground footings of the existing structure and a structural assessment conducted in 2020 deemed the structure unsafe for continued use. A structural direct 1 to 1 replacement of the existing obstacle course sections is required. The existing timber have concrete footings which will be replaced with foam footings. The military course upgrade will also include installation of a culvert through existing hill-climb obstacle to be used as a crawl-through obstacle.
Document reference number: 1