Notice of Determination


The Windigo Island Docking Infrastructure Accessibility Project (the Project) was completed prior to Infrastructure Canada (INFC) making a Section 82 determination under the Impact Assessment Act in the interest of public health and safety.  The necessity for immediate construction of this project became apparent as the community required a reliable transportation channel to support individuals during emergency health situations and to provide the community with medical and food supplies during a time of extreme weather events and the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

Infrastructure Canada has retroactively assessed the file to ensure that the department's requirements under the Impact Assessment Act would have been met under normal circumstances and has determined that completion of the proposed Project was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on consideration of the following factors:

  • impacts on rights of Indigenous peoples;
  • Indigenous knowledge;
  • community knowledge;
  • comments received from the public; and
  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation and monitoring measures taken into account for this determination included active and adaptive management measures that were implemented for the protection of the local environmental.  Based on the consideration of these measures, Infrastructure Canada is satisfied that the carrying out of the Project was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Infrastructure Canada concludes that the department may exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to support the Project in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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