February 13, 2023 – Infrastructure Canada must determine whether the proposed Mitigation of Risks to Hartley Bay Water Supply, located in Hartley Bay, British Columbia, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, Infrastructure Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website


Written comments must be submitted by March 16, 2023 to:

Moumen Kamnaksh, Environmental Review Officer, Infrastructure Canada (moumen.kamnaksh@infc.gc.ca)

The Proposed Project

The Gitga'at First Nation plans to construct a 100 meter long weir – with 10 meter dam and sluice gate (3 meter high concrete dam with 1 meter parapet, and a concrete spillway and fish ladder) - in the Gabion watershed at the mouth of the Upper Gabion Lake.

The infrastructure to be constructed at the outlet of Upper Gabion Lake includes:

-              Weir;

-              Dam;

-              Fish ladder; and,

-              Necessary road works to access the site.

The purpose of the weir is to impound an additional three meters of water in the Upper Gabion Lake, allowing a controlled release of the stored water through the Gabion River system, especially during the dry summer months.

To build the weir, it is necessary to build a 5.5 kilometer road from the location of the community's water treatment plant (which is on-reserve I.R.4 and which connects to a new barge landing to accommodate machinery, equipment and supply provisions) to the mouth of the Upper Gabion Lake. The road crosses sensitive wet lands and the river, requiring 2 large span bridges and up to 50 small culverts along the route. Soil till will need to be removed and rock blasting occur to build the road. A lay down area will be required, and a small quarry will be established to provide material for the weir and dam. New road engineering and updated weir engineering will be required. Environmental studies and Dam Safety Submission will need to be updated, as well as management and monitoring plans, and negotiations with DFO for habitat compensation, if any (as this project will protect Coho fish).

Document reference number: 1

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