
Sorel-Tracy Port Terminal Project

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Document reference number: 56

Cooperation plan

April 2023

Table of contents

1. Introduction

On December 16, 2022, the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) determined that an impact assessment is required for the Sorel-Tracy Port Terminal Project (the Project) pursuant to Subsection 16(1) of Canada's Impact Assessment Act (IAA).

The project is also subject to an environmental impact assessment and review procedure in Quebec under the Environment Quality Act (EQA). To this effect, the Minister of the Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs sent the initiator, on July 12, 2022, a directive that specifies the nature, scope and extent of the environmental impact study that the initiator must prepare.

For any project subject to a federal impact assessment, the IAA requires the Agency to develop a cooperation plan for the impact assessment that outlines how the Agency will work with other jurisdictions.

This Cooperation Plan outlines the Agency's approach to working with the Province in relation to the Sorel-Tracy Port Terminal Project.

This plan has been developed by the Agency to inform the public of the actions it intends to take to inform a cooperative assessment process for the project. The Cooperation Plan is intended to be flexible and does not preclude the Agency from making changes to the approach outlined in this plan to accommodate changes that may occur during the assessment process.

2. Project description

QSL International Ltée (proponent) wishes to develop a new port terminal in the Sorel-Tracy industrial-port zone designed to receive ships with a load capacity between 10,000 and 35,000 DWT. The project is part of the redevelopment of the former Hydro-Québec thermal power plant site. Handling activities would be limited to the unloading and loading of ships and trucks. Bulk commodities, such as fertilizers and seeds, are mainly targeted by future unloading operations and steel and oversized parts could also be handled. The project would include the construction of several items such as: a wharf of approximately 145 m in length, a duc-d'Albe consisting of 12 support piles, a concrete pile where a spinnaker pole (horizontal mobile beam for mooring boats) will be fixed and an electric conveyor on the cross section of the wharf for the routing of bulk materials from the boats to the warehouse and vice versa. The new infrastructure could accommodate, in operation, up to 35 bulk carriers per year, for a total discharged tonnage of approximately 440,000 MT/year. Depending on the evolution of the ice cover, the barges could be removed during the winter and the wharf would be operated 9 months a year. These activities could generate off-site trucking of about 6,000 vehicles/year at the start of operations. At maximum capacity, the dock could generate 14,600 truck trips/year.

3. Approach to cooperation

The impact assessment process and the environmental impact assessment and review procedure will be applied to meet the requirements of the IAA and EQA respectively. The Agency will work with the Province to share information. Where possible, information will be shared to optimize discussions with the proponent and to facilitate public participation in the assessment processes.

4. Sharing of information

In order to increase the efficiency of information gathering from the proponent and other stakeholders, while taking advantage of the best available scientific expertise, the Agency will work with the Province to ensure smooth and timely information sharing.

The Agency will respect requirements related to confidentiality and privacy, including the protection of Indigenous knowledge, when sharing or publicly posting information.

The Agency will inform the Province of its meetings with the proponent and share information where possible.

5. Public participation and Participant Funding

To the extent possible, the Agency will attempt to harmonize its public participation activities with those of Quebec, where timelines coincide.

Funding to support public participation is available. For information about the activities that are eligible for funding or to apply for funding please see the National Program Guidelines and application on the following page:

For further information on public participation and engagement activities, please see the Project's Public Participation Plan.

6. Indigenous consultation and engagement

Crown consultation will be conducted separately by the Agency and the Province.

For further information on these Indigenous Consultation and Engagement activities, please see the Project's Indigenous Engagement and Partnership Plan that will be published on the Registry following the end of the planning phase.

7. Decision Statement

At the conclusion of the environmental assessment and impact assessment procedures, the decisions made under the IAA by the Government of Canada and under the EQA by the Government of Quebec will be separate. The Agency will keep the Province informed of the timing of the decision. Where appropriate, the Agency will share information with the Province regarding potential conditions that may be imposed on the Proponent in relation to the Project to promote consistency and efficiency in the implementation of regulatory obligations.

8. Interpretation

The Plan is not a legal document and does not change any existing federal, provincial, or Indigenous legislative or regulatory jurisdiction, right, power, privilege, prerogative or immunity by virtue, nor does it create any new legal powers, duties or legally binding obligations.

9. Contact Information

The Agency office designated for administering the impact assessment of the Project is:

Regional Quebec Office

Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
901-1550, avenue d'Estimauville, Québec
(Québec) G1J 0C1

The Quebec office responsible for administering the environmental impact assessment process for the project is:

Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
Édifice Marie-Guyart
675, Boulevard René-Lévesque O, 29e étage
Québec (Québec) G1R 5V7

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