Dorval – 2023-05-15 – Transport Canada has determined that the proposed project, Partial replacement and repair of the Kuujjuaq Airport perimeter fence, is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.  

This determination is based on a consideration of the following factors:  

  • impacts on the rights of Indigenous peoples;    

  • community knowledge; and  

  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.  

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:   

General measures

  • Cease work during extreme weather conditions.


  • Ensure machinery and equipment are clean and free of leaks upon arrival at the site and maintain it in this condition thereafter. 
  • Adopt a work method that minimizes oxide emissions and/or exhaust from motor vehicles and other machinery. If possible, turn off the engines of gasoline vehicles and equipment when not in use.
  • Check equipment for leaks of contaminants daily and repair them immediately, if necessary.
  • Keep machinery away from any body of water, watercourse or wetland as soon as it is no longer in use. Whenever possible, machinery should be parked more than 30 metres from bodies of water when not in use.
  • Refuelling, maintenance, or cleaning of machinery should be conducted more than 30 m from watercourses, on a watertight surface, or over a containment zone of appropriate volume, these activities should always be conducted under continuous supervision, and an emergency kit containing adequate quantities of absorbents should be available nearby. 
  • Adopt a work method that minimizes the passage of machinery in sensitive environments, and uses a protective material (e.g. plywood boards) for the passage of vehicles and other machinery.


Excavation – Excavation/soil management

  • It is the contractor's responsibility to identify and locate the underground infrastructure before proceeding with any work.

If soil is excavated, the following measures are recommended: 

  • Any contaminated soil must be transported to the disposal site in a manner that does not spill into the environment. 
  • In the event of the excavation of soil showing signs of contamination, it must be stored in such a way as to avoid any loss of material (for example between two sealed membranes), analyzed by an accredited laboratory and managed according to its contamination levels, in compliance with the regulations in force. 
  • Any contaminated soil must be managed by the laws and regulations in force and the contractor must ensure compliance with the new Regulation respecting the traceability of excavated contaminated soil.
  • The granular material used for backfilling should be clean and free of contaminants. A certificate of chemical analysis must be provided to prove the quality and origin of this backfill.
  • If the work is to be carried out near an observation well, the contractor will have to take the necessary measures to preserve the facility. 

Waste management

  • Provide a plan for the management and monitoring of construction waste by promoting its reuse and/or recycling. If they need to be disposed of, dispose of them at an authorized site.
  • The reclamation of residual materials from construction and demolition work must comply with the MELCC's Regulation respecting the reclamation of residual materials.
  • The contractor must ensure that residual materials temporarily stored on the site are not blown away by the wind.
  • At the end of the period of use of the site, the work areas must be cleared of equipment, machinery, demolition materials, waste, scrap, rubble and excavated material from the work as quickly as possible. Transport Canada may require the contractor to take necessary corrective action and remediate the site to the satisfaction of Transport Canada. Any material or residue remaining at the end of the work must be managed in sites authorized to receive them according to the applicable regulations and this is for all types of waste that will be produced as part of this work.
  • Keep the job site and adjacent areas clean. Clean up the site as work progresses to prevent the accumulation of dust, dirt, debris, waste materials and other waste.
  • All hazardous waste must be returned to a site authorized for disposal. No hazardous waste can remain on the airport site.
  • Wastewater must not be discharged onto the site or into any body of water, including wastewater from mixing and cleaning machinery.


Storage of hazardous  materials

  • If hazardous materials are used during the work, ensure that they are used, stored and transported by the laws and regulations in force.


  • An environmental emergency response plan and an adequate hazardous materials recovery response kit must be present at all times on site and employees familiar with its use.  The plan must be adapted to the site.
  • Any spill must be reported immediately to ECCC's emergency services (1-866-283-2333) and the Environmental Emergency Department of the Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques du Québec (MELCC) (1-866-694-5454) and to the Canadian Coast Guard's alert network in the event of an aquatic incident (1-800-363-4735).  Transport Canada will also need to be notified.
  • Any contaminant spill will require immediate action to limit and recover pollutants. Pollutants will have to be managed according to the standards in force.
  • Any waste or pollutants associated with this incident must be managed and disposed of off-site by applicable regulations. Documentation of a compliant provision will need to be provided to the TC project manager.
  • In the event of equipment failure or spillage, the emergency plan must be implemented immediately.
  • If soil is contaminated by a spill, it must be placed in a pile on a waterproof membrane and covered with a waterproof membrane, or placed in leak-proof containers, tested and managed according to their contamination levels at authorized sites that comply with current regulations.
  • Keep a spill kit for harmful substances on site.



  • Take into account the presence of measuring instruments for permafrost. Ensure that the necessary precautions are taken to avoid damage to infrastructure related to permafrost measuring instruments.

Wetlands and natural environments

  • Make sure to maintain the water level at all times according to natural conditions and not change the natural drainage of the environment.
  • Restrict work to strictly necessary locations; that is, at the sites of removal and replacement of structures.  Limit the movement of machinery to the areas necessary for the project.         
  • Adopt a work method that minimizes the passage of machinery through sensitive environments (e.g. wetlands). If passage is essential, use effective protective equipment for the passage of vehicles and other machinery.
  • Prohibit all movement of wading machinery in the water.
  • Perform maintenance and refuelling of equipment and vehicles and any storage at a minimum distance of 30 m from the high water mark of the watercourse and wetlands.
  • Recover pickled topsoil for reuse in finishing if applicable.
  • Implement a vegetation management plan.


Protection of avian fauna

  • If a nest containing migratory bird eggs or chicks is discovered near or in the work area, stop all noisy activities near the nesting site, and protect the nest(s) with a protection zone. Contact the departmental representative and ECCC's Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) immediately to ensure the right actions are taken.
  • Do not carry out work during sensitive nesting periods for migratory birds. It runs from May 15 to August 15 for the Kuujjuaq region.
  • Minimize clearing, stripping and deforestation to reduce habitat loss for avian wildlife.

Road network

  • Ensure that the public roads used are kept clean throughout the work. Remove mud from vehicles and machinery before moving them on roads.
  • Take the necessary measures so that these can be used without problems by other users.

Land uses

  • Notify the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) of the work schedule to inform land users.
  • Clear signage must be put in place for snowmobilers and ATVs throughout the work near Kuujjuaq Road.

Health and safety of workers, the public and road users

  • Set up clear signage indicating the constraints imposed by the work (obstructed lane, detour, prohibited parking, etc.) to ensure the safety of users of public roads at all times, if applicable.
  • Develop a health and safety plan to be implemented to ensure the safety of workers on site.



  • Interrupt work in the event of any discovery of archaeological remains. The person responsible for site supervision will be notified without delay to determine the next steps.

Document reference number: 2

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