Public Notice

Magino Gold Project

Public Comments Invited on Proposed Changes to Conditions

What is happening?

May 31, 2023 — The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) is holding a public comment period as part of the post-decision phase for the Magino Gold Project, an open-pit gold mine and metal mill located 14 kilometres south-east of Dubreuilville, Ontario.

Why is the Agency holding a public comment period?

When the project was approved in 2019, it became subject to legally-binding conditions Prodigy Gold Incorporated (the proponent) must comply with throughout the life of the project. These conditions include advising the Agency of any proposed changes to the project that may result in adverse environmental effects and providing the Agency with an effects assessment of those changes.

The proponent submitted information to the Agency regarding proposed project changes. It wishes to construct and operate a 22-megawatt on-site liquefied natural gas-fired electrical power generation facility (LNG power plant) and associated infrastructure that was not part of the original project design. This includes a storage facility, electrical distribution lines and substation, and power generation equipment. The design change also involves rerouting and upgrading an existing 44-kilovolt distribution line from within the area of the open-pit to a new area that is located outside of the blast exclusion zone of the open-pit.

How can I participate?

The Agency is asking Indigenous groups and the public to review the analysis of these changes, which includes the proposed amendments to the Decision Statement, and provide feedback. Please note this comment period is strictly on the proposed amendments to the Decision Statement. The project approval cannot be amended.

Written comments in either official language will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2023. All comments received will be published online to the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry as part of the project file.

Comments should be submitted online by visiting the project homepage on the Registry (reference number 80044). The Agency's draft Analysis Report and the proponent's submission about the proposed project changes are also available on the Registry. Participants who wish to provide their input in a different format can contact the Agency by writing to

For information on the post-decision phase, please visit the Agency's website at

For media inquiries, contact the Agency's media relations team by writing to, or by calling 343-549-3870.

Stay updated by following the Agency on Twitter: @IAAC_AEIC #MaginoGold

Document reference number: 58

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