Notice of intent to make a determination 

Ginoogaming FN KM 132 Bridge Replacement – Public Comments Invited

August 23/2023– Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Ginoogaming FN KM 132 Bridge Replacement, located in Ginoogaming FN is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by September 23/2023 to:

ISC Environmental Officer: Aaron Pervais

100 Anemki Place, Suite 101, Fort William First Nation

The Proposed Project

 Replacement of the Bridge located on Caltonite known as km 132 bridge in Ginoogaming First Nation. The riparian zone within the nearby vicinity of the bridge consists of gravel and sand with sparse vegetation directly beside the bridge.  As you move upstream and downstream of the bridge the riparian area consists of mainly grasses and shrubs, likely due to the fluctuating water levels that are present seasonally.   Further upland the riparian area is dominated by dense mixedwood forest. Conditions typical of boreal zones within northwestern Ontario were noted throughout the bridge vicinity. A predominance of coniferous and mixed-wood forest stands that include main conifer species such as black and white spruce, jack pine, balsam fir, eastern white cedar, and white birch were noted on the high ground. Shrubs such as alder, willow, moose maple and grasses and sedges were noted on the low ground. The replacement of this bridge structure should not impact terrestrial wildlife or their habitat. No issues or concerns are expected given that no evidence of wildlife using this structure was noted and it does not represent specialized or suitable habitat  for terrestrial wildlife. There will be minimal work in-water or disturbance to the natural streambed.  The only work in-water will be the removal of 18 wooden piles which will be cut off just above the streambed to avoid any disturbance to the natural stream channel.   Turbidity curtains will be installed to contain any sediment that is disturbed during pile removal activities. The Making Ground River flows northerly for 8.6km from the bridge crossing and enters Long Lake just south of the Town of Longlac.   The river is approximately 16m wide at the bridge which is consistent with the natural stream width upstream of the bridge. Beginning approximately 750m downstream of the bridge the river becomes 50-70m wide.   The morphology of the river at the bridge crossing location would be described as a slow-moving run.   The water depth under the bridge was 1.4m at the time of assessment (Fall).  There was evidence that the average high water level is approximately 1m higher than the current water level at the time of assessment. The substrate of the river was variable with some areas having cobble/boulder while other areas had sand, silt, muck and organic material.   The streambed around the eastern abutment, particularly on the southeast corner had abundant cobble present.   The area around the western abutment directly under the bridge has soft substrates of silt and sand.   On the northwest corner there is some coarse gravel and occasional cobble present.  The southwest corner is comprised of predominately sand that has been deposited through natural processes.   The middle of the stream under the bridge has soft substrates of silt and sand.   The fish habitat under the bridge does not appear to be critical or significant for fish.  The habitat would be used for migration and possibly feeding and cover.   Upstream (south) of the bridge there is predominant cobble substrates beginning approximately 10m south.  This habitat has the potential to be used for spawning by walleye or white sucker though the usage of this habitat for spawning can not be confirmed at this time.   There is habitat with similar potential to be used for spawning habitat located 40-80m downstream (north) of the bridge. 

Document reference number: 1

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