Notice of Determination

December 4, 2023 Fisheries and Oceans Canada have determined that the proposed Poplar River Harbour Improvements is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

This determination was based on a consideration of the following factors:

  • comments received from the public; and
  • technically and economically feasible mitigation measures.

Mitigation measures taken into account for this determination are:

  • Aquatic invasive species are introduced and spread through transporting sands and sediments and using contaminated construction equipment. To prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species during construction in aquatic environments:
    • Clean, drain and dry any equipment used in the water; and,
    • Never move organisms or water from one body of water to another;
  • Maintain an undisturbed vegetated riparian zone between areas of on-land activity and the High Water Mark of any water body;
  • Limit impacts on riparian vegetation to those approved for the work, undertaking or activity;
  • Salvage, reinstate or match habitat structure (e.g., large wood debris, boulders, instream aquatic vegetation/substrate) to its initial state;
  • Do not take materials (e.g., rock, logs) to build the dock from the shoreline, from below the HWM or from any water body;
  • Use only treated lumber that is environmentally friendly for dock structures that are above water. Consult your local lumber supply company;
  • Limit the duration of in-water works, undertakings and activities so that it does not diminish the ability of fish to carry out one or more of their life processes (spawning, rearing, feeding, migrating)
  • Develop and implement an erosion and sediment control plan to avoid the introduction of sediment into any waterbody during all phases of the work, undertaking or activity;
    • Schedule work to avoid wet, windy and rainy periods (and heed weather advisories) that may result in high flow volumes and/ or increase erosion and sedimentation;
    • Regularly monitor the watercourse for signs of sedimentation during all phases of the work, undertaking or activity and take corrective action;
    • Inspect and maintain regularly the erosion and sediment control measures and structures during all phases of the project
    • Use biodegradable sediment control materials should be used whenever possible
    • Remove all exposed non-biodegradable sediment control materials once site has been stabilized
    • Operate machinery on  land, or from barges or on ice
    • Use methods to prevent substrate compaction (e.g., swamp mats, pads) and,
  • Develop and implement a response plan to avoid a spill of deleterious substances;
    • Stop work, contain sediment-laden water and other deleterious substances and prevent their further migration into the watercourse
    • Keep an emergency spill kit on site during the work, undertaking or activity
    • Report any spills of sewage, oil, fuel or other deleterious material, whether near or directly into a water body
    • Clean-up and appropriately dispose of the sediment-laden water and deleterious substances
    • Plan activities near water such that materials such as paint, primers, blasting abrasives, rust solvents, degreasers, grout, poured concrete or other chemicals do not enter the watercourse
    • Maintain all machinery on site in a clean condition and free of fluid leaks
    • Wash, refuel and service machinery and store fuel and other materials for the machinery in such a way as to prevent any deleterious substances from entering the water
    • Dispose all construction, demolition or commercial logging materials waste above the high water mark of nearby waterbodies to prevent re-entry


Fisheries and Oceans Canada is satisfied that that the carrying out of the project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

Therefore, Fisheries and Oceans Canada may carry out the project, exercise any power, perform any duty or function, or provide financial assistance to enable the project to be carried out in whole or in part.

Document reference number: 2

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