Regional Assessment of Offshore Wind Development in Newfoundland and Labrador
Public, Fisheries and Stakeholder Participation Plan

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Document reference number: 207

Prepared by: The Regional Assessment Committee

Last updated: February 1, 2024

Regional Assessment of Offshore Wind Development in Newfoundland And Labrador
Summary of Updates
Last Updated: February 1, 2024

This table summarizes the updates made to the Public, Fisheries and Stakeholder Participation Plan. The document will be updated bi-weekly.

Regional Assessment Of Offshore Wind Development In Newfoundland And Labrador



February 1, 2024

Section 1: Introduction

  • Added footnote regarding Committee's October 2023 letter to Ministers requesting amendments to the Agreement.
  • Added short section on Focus Area.

Section 2: Approaches to Engagement

  • Deleted table on potential activities and now all activities planned, ongoing and completed are in the Appendices.
  • Added text to subsection 2.2 on continued additions to the distribution list.
  • Added text so subsection 2.3 to mention that Committee may establish additional Advisory Groups.
  • Added third level headings throughout subsection 2.3 to better present Advisory Group information.
  • Added text to 2.3.1 to describe the various ways the Committee has asked for, and continues to invite, applications for Advisory Groups.

Section 4: Schedule

  • Added footnote regarding Committee's October 2023 letter to Ministers requesting amendments to the Agreement.


Appendix A:

  • Added table with Planned/Ongoing Engagement Activities (this information was previously in main body of Plan)
  • Updated table with activities.

Appendix B:

  • Updated with completed activities.

Appendix C:

  • Lists of Advisory Group members (this information was previously in table format in Appendix A).
  • Added new Advisory Group members.

December 1, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Added Christopher Williams, Vanessa Byrne, Darren McQuillan and Mark Fuglem to the Scientific Information and Community Knowledge Advisory Group.
  • Added Vanessa Byrne and Darren McQuillan to the Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group.

Appendix B:

  • Added the In-Person Public Engagement Sessions held November 6, 8, 16, and 17, 2023.

November 17, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Added Charlene Combdon to the Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group
  • Added Delia Warren to both the Scientific Information and Community Knowledge and Fisheries and Other Ocean uses Advisory Groups.

November 3, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Updated the planned engagement activities table.

Appendix B:

  • Added meetings with offshore wind developers.

October 20, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Added Karl Hodge to the Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group.
  • Added Sara Pearce Meijerink to the Scientific and Community Knowledge Advisory Group
  • Updated the planned engagement activities table.

Appendix B:

  • Added meeting with NRCan and engagement sessions with physical constraints experts and offshore wind developers.

October 6, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Updated the planned engagement activities table.
  • Added CarolLee Giffin, Troy Hardy and Elizabeth Barlow to both the Scientific Information and Community Knowledge and Fisheries and Other Ocean uses Advisory Groups.
  • Added Eugene Conway and Randy Miles to the Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group.
  • Added Randy Miles to the Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group.

September 22, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Updated the planned engagement activities table.

Appendix B:

  • Added meetings that have taken place since the last update: ECCC, CNLOPB, Focus Area Feedback Sessions and Advisory Group Meetings

September 8, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Added Michael Hingston and Sam Imbeault to both the Scientific Information and Community Knowledge and Fisheries and Other Ocean uses Advisory Groups.
  • Added Ashley Noseworthy to the Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group.

August 30, 2023

Appendix A:

  • Added Focus Area Feedback Session to ‘Planned Engagement Activities' table.
  • Removed Tara Barnett as main contact for Shell Canada
  • Substituted Christina Clarke as main contact for Natural Resources Canada
  • Added Rob Strong, Mohammad Alikhani, Aaron Mulrooney, Katherine Cumming, Martin Tremblay, Denise Sudom, Sara Courbis, Cam Howlett, Todd Delaney and Chris Paterson to the Scientific Information and Community Knowledge Advisory Group
  • Added Robert Coombs, Martin Trembley and Todd Delaney to the Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group
  • Corrected typo: ‘Memorial University'
  • Addition of Desiree Wolfery to the Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group
  • Corrected typo: ‘Qalipu'

Appendix B:

  • Corrected typo: ‘National Research Council'
  • Added Committee engagement with Parks Canada


1 Introduction

The federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change ("the Minister") released the final Agreement and Terms of Reference ("the Agreement") and appointed an independent Committee for the Regional Assessment of Offshore Wind Development in Newfoundland and Labrador (the RA) on March 23, 2023. This RA will be conducted over an 18-month period with two report components. The first report component submitted to the MinistersFootnote 1 within 12- months of the Committee's appointment, and a final report (with all components), submitted to the Ministers within 18-months of the Committee's appointment (Section 4 Schedule. The Study Area for the RA is provided in Figure 1.Footnote 2

The Committee has prepared this Public, Fisheries and Stakeholder Participation Plan ("the Plan") to outline its approach to provide meaningful opportunities for members of the public, fishers and fishing organizations and other stakeholders to engage in the conduct of the RA. The Committee is also developing an Indigenous Participation Plan (IPP) in collaboration with Indigenous peoples under a separate cover. This plan and the IPP are posted to the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry ("the Registry") and are updated regularly by the Committee, with advice from the Advisory Groups as applicable to ensure that participants are aware of planned participation approaches and upcoming activities.

Figure 1: Regional Assessment Study Area (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Regional Assessment Study Area

The Committee has since identified a Focus Area (Figure 2) within the Study Area.Footnote 3Footnote 4 The constraints analysis will continue further within this Focus Area to identify potential areas for offshore wind development. The assessment (i.e., setting, effects, mitigation, etc.) will be carried out in the Focus Area.

Figure 2: Regional Assessment Focus Area
Regional Assessment Focus Area

1.1 Committee's Mandate and Commitments

The Committee is conducting the RA in accordance with the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) and the Agreement. The roles and responsibilities of the Committee are detailed in the Agreement. During the conduct of the RA, the Committee conducts engagement activities with participantsFootnote 5 to:

  1. Seek scientific information and advice relevant to the conduct of the RA from individuals (Indigenous and non-Indigenous)
  2. Seek information from fishing organizations, industry reps, and fishers on:
    • Potential interactions between fishing activities and offshore wind (OSW) development activities
  3. Ensure Indigenous peoples and the public are provided with opportunities to participate meaningfully in the RA.
  4. Engage with Indigenous peoples, governmental and non-governmental organizations and individuals that have information, knowledge or interests relevant to the RA.
  5. Collaborate in a way that respects Indigenous rights, culture, and traditional knowledge.

1.2 Engagement Objectives

The Committee has tried to structure the engagement process in a way that achieves the following:

  1. Establishes an open and constructive dialogue with public stakeholder groups interested in participating in the RA,
  2. Encourages stakeholders to actively participate in the RA, and
  3. Works with stakeholders to determine opportunities for participation in the RA.

2 Approaches to Engagement

2.1 Activities

Error! Reference source not found.Engagement activities include, but are not limited to:

  1. Engagement sessions, either in-person or virtual, open to all participants in the RA process, including Indigenous peoples and federal and provincial authorities.
  2. Focused Advisory Group engagement sessions on a particular topic of interest to the Committee.
  3. Engagement sessions on specific topics with subject matter experts, who may or may not be members of an Advisory Group.

Engagement can be broad or more focused, depending on the questions and needs of the Committee. General engagement sessions will include a larger public invitation for participation through methods such as a general email to stakeholders, and a notice on the RA registry page. Anyone can participate. Engagement sessions on specific topics will be focused and directed towards subject matter experts. Invitations to these sessions will be targeted based on the selected topic.

2.2 Identifying Participants

During the planning phase of the RAFootnote 6, the Impact Assessment Agency ("the Agency") undertook a widespread exercise to develop a comprehensive participant list (or, "Distribution List"). This included reaching out to other federal and provincial government departments, and other organizations to begin developing an initial distribution list. Through outreach emails and engagement sessions completed prior to the appointment of the Committee, participants were encouraged to continue to participate and to inform any additional groups or individuals they thought may be interested. The Agency also undertook a media campaign using radio and social media advertising to raise awareness of this process. The participant list has grown from these efforts, and the Committee, and their secretariat, have been promoting participation through emails and virtual and in-person engagements to further identify and include those who want to participate in the process. New participants continue to email to request they be added to the Distribution List. The Committee also adds engagement session participants to the Distribution List.

2.3 Advisory Groups

The Agency also initiated an additional process to identify organizations or individuals with expertise in one or more fields to become members of one or more Advisory Groups. These include the following:

  1. Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group
  2. Scientific Information and Community Knowledge Advisory Group
  3. Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group

The Committee may also establish additional Advisory Groups on other topics, at their discretion. This Plan will be updated should a new Advisory Group be established.

2.3.1 Calls for Interest

The Agency posted a notice in February 2023 for an initial expression of interest to participants, inviting them to apply to be involved in one or more of these groups. In addition to the three Advisory Groups listed, the Committee may choose to establish additional Advisory Groups as it deems necessary, and to combine or integrate the activities of two or more Advisory Groups, as applicable. Individuals or organizations may participate in more than one Advisory Group. The Committee has also made a public call for interest via email, the Registry, social media and during its meetings with Indigenous groups, stakeholders, and the public. The Committee continues to invite participants to apply to Advisory Groups.

2.3.2 Advisory Group Function

Members of an Advisory Group will function as a voluntary roster of experts from which the Committee can select when they want information or advice on a specific topic. There are no pre-determined hours or defined activities for Advisory Groups, and activities may include, but are not limited to, participating in meetings, providing feedback on literature relevant to the RA, or reviewing a document. Planned engagement activities will be listed and updated in Appendix A. All public and stakeholder engagement activities, including Advisory Group meetings, will be logged, and included in Error! Reference source not found. of this plan, as part of the public record of engagement. A list of all the selected Advisory Group members will be made available in Appendix A and updated as new members are added. The list for Indigenous knowledge Advisory Group will be captured by the IPP as well. Each of the Advisory Groups will provide information and advice to the Committee on the topics outlined below, as required, and requested:

  1. Environmental, health, social and economic conditions.
  2. Information and knowledge gaps, and potential opportunities to address these during or following the completion of the RA.
  3. Future offshore wind development activities in the Study Area, including their:
    1. Need and purpose.
    2. Physical activities associated with their construction, including expansion, operation, decommissioning and abandonment.
    3. Key locations of interest for future offshore wind development activities in the Study Area (to help focus the Committee's work on areas which are most likely to see future development interest, based on technical and economic factors).
    4. Regulatory requirements.
    5. Potential positive and adverse effects, including cumulative effects and associated sustainability considerations.
    6. Mitigation, and other approaches for avoiding or reducing potential adverse effects and creating and maximizing potential positive effects; and
    7. Follow-up requirements.
  4. Other topics relevant to the RA, as requested by the Committee.

2.3.3 Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group

The Committee will establish the Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group, the details of which, will be shared in the IPP.

2.3.4 Scientific Information and Community Knowledge Advisory Group

The committee will seek Scientific information, including technical information and advice, and Community knowledge from representative of federal and provincial government department and agencies and non-governmental organizations and individuals (both Indigenous and non-Indigenous) on matters relevant to the conduct of the RA. This will include information and advice related to environmental, health, social and economic components.

This Advisory Group will assist the Committee in gathering and analyzing relevant data and information and in conducting analyses, and will provide expertise in relation to the RA. This will include sharing information and expertise on some or all topics listed in Section 2.3 Advisory Groups above, as requested by the Committee during the conduct of the RA.

2.3.5 Fisheries and Other Ocean Uses Advisory Group

The Committee will seek knowledge, information and advice from fishing organizations, fishing industry representatives and fishers (both Indigenous and non-Indigenous) regarding current and potential fishing activity (commercial, traditional, recreational – including inshore, midshore, and offshore fisheries), as well as potential interactions between fishing activity and offshore wind development activities in the Study Area.

This Advisory Group will include organizations and individuals that are involved in and/or otherwise have expertise regarding other ocean uses including, but not limited to, tourism, marine shipping, offshore energy, research, aquaculture, infrastructure, and other components and activities.

The Advisory Group will also provide advice to the Committee on approaches for avoiding or minimizing adverse effects and creating or maximizing opportunities for positive effects on fisheries and other ocean uses.

2.3.6 Advisory Group Activities

Planned and ongoing engagement activities, including Advisory Group activities, are listed and updated in Appendix A of this plan. All completed public and stakeholder engagement activities, including Advisory Group activities, are included in Error! Reference source not found. of this plan.

2.3.7 Advisory Group Membership

A list of all the selected Advisory Group members is available in Appendix C of this plan and is updated as new members are added. The list for Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group will be in the IPP as well.

2.4 Participant Funding

In July 2022, the Agency provided participant funding to interested public and Indigenous groups to support their participation in the early planning phase of the RA. The Agency posted a second contribution funding offer in December 2022 to support continued participation in the conduct of the RA. This will include participation in meetings and in Advisory Groups, review of materials and comment on the draft Committee's draft Report.

2.5 Engagement with Federal and Provincial Authorities

In the conduct of the RA, the Committee will consider the advice of many federal and provincial departments, who have an obligation to provide the Committee with relevant information and expertise under the provisions of the IAA and the Agreement. The Committee will engage with federal and provincial government departments and agencies in the manner that it believes to be transparent and most efficient to conduct its work. The Committee may solicit information or advice via written correspondence with the expectation that the authority will reply in writing with the requested information or advice. The Committee may also request to meet with authorities to receive the requested information or advice. In either case, the Committee will ensure the applicable documentation is made publicly available Footnote 7 (subject to confidentiality considerations).

Government departments could also attend larger open engagement sessions and can participate in one or more Advisory Groups if they have demonstrated pertinent expertise. The Committee may hold individual meetings with government agencies on specific topics or initiatives, if it feels that this method would be most effective to receive input on a specific topic or subject. These meetings will be logged, so that there is a public record of the meeting and the general discussion.

3 Confidentiality and Operational Procedures

Comments and other documents received by the Committee throughout the RA process will be posted on the Registry, except for the ones deemed to be confidential or subject to non-disclosure. The Committee has developed its own confidentiality procedures and how it will conduct itself regarding confidentiality and sensitive information which can be found on the Registry. The Committee has also developed its operational procedures, which tends to elaborate upon the general principles and processes described in the agreement and inform participants on how the committee intends to function throughout the conduct of the RA on the issues of bias and conflict of interest, accessibility to information, and other confidential information handling.

4 Schedule

The Committee will complete its work in a phased manner and will, following the public review of drafts as referenced in Section A1.6 of the AgreementFootnote 8, submit the various components of its Report to the Ministers as follows:

Committee Schedule

Report Component


Relevant Components (From Sections A2.3 and A2.4 from the Agreement)

Submission to Ministers


Information and analysis to inform future planning and licencing for offshore wind in the Study Area

Section A 2.3 Objective A, items a) to d) Objective B, item a) Objective D, item a) Section A 2.4 Items a) to e)

12 months from Committee appointment *


Identification of, and recommendations on, mitigation, and other approaches to address potential effects, and monitoring and follow-up requirements, to inform future impact assessments for offshore wind in the Study Area

Section A 2.3 Objective C, items a) to b) Objective D, items a) to b) Section A 2.4 Items d) to e)

18 months from Committee appointment *

* As noted above, the Committee may choose to present information in an electronic format, such as through a GIS. While this information is part of Component 1 (and any such GIS is therefore to be submitted with 12 months), it is recognized that the system may continue to be refined during the remainder of the Regional Assessment process, and that an updated version may be included in the Committee's final deliverable (at 18 months). The Committee was appointed on March 23, 2023.

Appendix A - Planned / Ongoing Engagement Activities

The Committee uses this table to provide notice on upcoming engagement activities with the Public, Fisheries, and other stakeholders, including Advisory Groups, and will be updated as plans are refined.

Planned / Ongoing Engagement Activities
Last updated: February 1, 2024

Planned / Ongoing Engagement Activities




Planned - Advisory Group and public sessions (virtual).

Late February 2024

The Committee is planning virtual Advisory Group and public engagement sessions for February 2024. Detailed planning underway.

Ongoing - Advisory Group Effects Table Review

Date sent via email: December 11, 2023

Deadline given: February 11, 2024

Draft effects tables for select RA components emailed to all Advisory Groups for review and comment. Optional activity.

Appendix B – Completed Engagement Activities

Completed Engagement Activities
Last updated: February 1, 2024

*External participants only (i.e., does not include Committee and Secretariat members). Engagement activities with Indigenous peoples will be captured within the IPP.

Completed Engagement Activities



Participating Organization(s)

No. of Participants*

Topics Discussed

May 10, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)


  • Introductory meeting to learn of available DFO expertise

May 24, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • DFO: Marine planning and conservation


  • Demo of the Canada Marine Planning Atlas to the Committee

May 31, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • The Agency


  • Gender based analysis plus (GBA+) presentation to the Committee

May 31, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • The Agency


  • RA scoping presentation to the Committee

June 7, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)


  • Accord act amendments presentation to the Committee

June 13, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife Federation
  • EcoNext
  • Dominion Diving
  • DFO
  • Energy NL
  • Canada Energy Regulator (CER)
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador (MUN)
  • East Coast Environmental Law
  • Baird Consultants
  • Starboard Wind
  • Salmonid Council of NL


  • Public and stakeholder introductory session of the Committee

June 14, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter (CPAWS NL)
  • Keepers of the Circle
  • The Agency
  • DFO
  • Port of Corner Brook
  • RelyOn Nutec Canada
  • BP
  • Energy NL
  • Sabik Offshore GmbH
  • LSPU (I.L.A.) Local 1953
  • EDF Renewables
  • Baird
  • Black Bawks Data Science Ltd/World Seabird Union
  • Ausenco
  • ABO Wind
  • Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
  • Wood
  • Edgewise Environmental
  • Marine Renewables Canada
  • MUN Grenfell Campus
  • Dovre Group
  • Fish, Food and Allied Workers (FFAW- Unifor)
  • Embassy of Belgium in Canada
  • Canada Newfoundland Offshore Oil and Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB)
  • ICI Innovations
  • Nunatukavut Community Council (NCC)
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Qalipu First Nation
  • Innergex


  • Public and stakeholder introductory session of the Committee

June 15, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • North American Worley Advisian
  • NCC
  • Generation Electricity Canada
  • Wolastoqey Nation (WNNB)
  • MUN
  • Stantec
  • Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
  • Camerado Energy Consulting
  • SubC Imaging
  • West Coast Environmental Law
  • NCC
  • East Coast Environmental Law
  • Marine Institute (MI)
  • Fagiloi
  • NRCan
  • Oceans North
  • DFO
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Keepers of the Circle


  • Public and stakeholder introductory session of the Committee

June 22, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)


  • Introductory session, and to provide overview to the Committee

June 28, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Net Zero Atlantic
  • ASL Environmental Services
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • The Agency
  • PESCA Environmental
  • Council of Canadians
  • Transport Canada (TC)
  • Member of the Public
  • ABL Group
  • University of Waterloo
  • DOF Subsea
  • Coldwater Lobster Association
  • Edgewise Environmental
  • Seafood Producers Association of Nova Scotia
  • Rob Strong Consulting
  • DFO
  • National Research Council Canada (NRC)


  • Public and stakeholder introductory session of the Committee

Virtual Meeting

  • PhD Student in Law at Dalhousie University
  • Bear Head Energy
  • Canadian Renewable Energy Association
  • DFO
  • Natural Forces
  • eDNAtec
  • Parks Canada
  • One Ocean
  • A Recent Graduate and Member of NGOs


  • Public and stakeholder introductory session of the Committee

July 7, 2023

In person meeting



  • Update on C-NLOPB's mandate
  • Trip to Germany: lessons learned by C-NLOPB on offshore wind energy.
  • Experience implementing the offshore drilling RA, including GIS product

July 18, 2023

Hybrid virtual & in person meeting

  • DFO: Marine planning and conservation


  • In-depth Session on the Canada Marine Planning Atlas to the Committee

August 9, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Parks Canada


  • Proposed parks and National Marine Conservation Areas (NMCAs) in the Study Area
  • Offshore wind development in existing/proposed NMCAs
  • Protection of viewscapes and offshore wind developments inside viewscapes of parks, NMCAs and historic sites

August 17, 2023

Public feedback period opened

  • Open to all


  • Posted Proposed Focus Area Document to Registry and welcomed feedback.

September 5, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • DFO: Offshore Wind Working Group


  • Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 7, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Parks Canada


  • Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 11, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • ECCC


  • Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 11, 2023

Virtual Meeting



  • Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 12, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Fish Harvesters
  • The Agency
  • Energy NL
  • Flat Bay Band
  • FFAW
  • Net Zero Project
  • Tamarack Environmental
  • Clearwater Seafoods
  • Oceans North
  • Member of Parliament
  • DFO
  • Town of St. Anthony
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Members of the Public


  • Public Session for Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 12, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Ekuanitshit Legal Counsel
  • Trades NL
  • Seafood Producers
  • Fish Harvesters
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Qalipu First Nation
  • FFAW- Unifor
  • Strum Consulting
  • Camerado Energy
  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • The Agency
  • East Coast Environmental Law
  • eDNATec
  • NRCan
  • DFO
  • Member of Parliament
  • One Ocean
  • Members of the Public


  • Public Session for Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 14, 2023

Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group Virtual Meeting

  • AECOM (supporting KMKNO)
  • Keepers of the Circle


  • Meeting for Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 18, 2023

Fisheries and Other Ocean Users Advisory Group Virtual Meeting

  • Fish Harvesters
  • NRCan
  • Fisheries advisor for NunatuKavut Community Council
  • Burin Healthy Oceans Initiative
  • FFAW
  • ECCC
  • EverWind Fuels
  • One Ocean
  • DFO
  • Rhenus Logistics Canada
  • Wood
  • Members of the Public


  • Meeting for Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 19, 2023

Scientific Information and Community Knowledge Advisory Group Virtual Meeting

  • Parks Canada
  • Sabik Offshore
  • Fish Harvesters
  • Energy Consultant
  • FFAW
  • DFO
  • Oceans North
  • JASCO Applied Sciences
  • Rhenus Logistics
  • East Coast Environmental Law
  • EcoNext
  • Worley
  • FFAW
  • NRCan
  • Members of the Public


  • Meeting for Feedback on the Proposed Focus Area

September 22, 2023

Public feedback period closed.

  • Open to all


  • Posted Proposed Focus Area Document to Registry and welcomed feedback.

October 12, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • NRCan


  • Offshore Wind Forward Planning

October 17, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • ECCC
  • Wood
  • Rhenus Logistics


  • Engagement Session with Physical Constraints Experts

October 18, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • ACOD
  • CIP


  • Engagement Session with Offshore Wind Developer

October 18, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • eDNATec
  • NRCan
  • ExxonMobil
  • MUN
  • Department of National Defense


  • Engagement Session with Physical Constraints Experts

October 25, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Northland Power


  • Engagement Session with Offshore Wind Developer

October 26, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Simply Blue Group


  • Engagement Session with Offshore Wind Developer

November 6, 2023

In-person Open House

  • Members of the public


  • In-person public engagement session (Marystown)

November 8, 2023

In-person Open House

  • Members of the public


  • d (Harbour Breton)

November 16, 2023

In-person Open House

  • Members of the public


  • In-person public engagement session (Corner Brook)

November 17, 2023

In-person Open House

  • Members of the public


  • In-person public engagement session (Stephenville)

January 10, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
  • NRCan
  • The Agency


  • Committee's Letter to the Ministers, Priority Assessment Areas and Possible Approaches and Path Forward for the RA

January 23, 2024

Virtual Meeting

  • Xodus


  • Xodus' submission on the Effects Table Document

January 24, 2023

Virtual Meeting

  • Parks Canada


  • Clarifications and discussion on Parks Canada Recommendation Report

January 30, 2024

Virtual Meeting

  • Rhenus Logistics


  • Rhenus' submission on the Effects Table Document

Appendix C – List of Advisory Group Members

Last Updated: February 1, 2024.
*indicates new members added since last Plan update Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group Members:

Indigenous Knowledge Advisory Group Members:

  • Patrick Butler - Kwilmu'kw Maw-Klusuaqn Negotiation Office (KMKNO)
  • Angelina Franic Mcdonald – Miawpukek First Nation
  • Johanna Tuglavina - AnanauKatiget Regional Inuit Women's Association & Keepers of the Circle
  • Marie-Eve Desmarais – Communaute Innue de Nutashkuan
  • Chris Gosse – Longshoremen's Protective Union (I.L.A.) Local 1953
  • Desiree Wolfrey – Keepers of the Circle / ATRIWAI
  • Randy Miles – Flat Bay Band
  • Charlene Combdon – Qalipu Mi'kmaw First Nation Band

Fisheries and Other Ocean Users Advisory Group Members:

  • Kate Hendry – Canadian Coast Guard, Atlantic Region
  • Quinn Gallagher - Canadian Coast Guard, Atlantic Region
  • Stephenie Landers - Kleinschmidt Associates
  • Aaron Mulrooney – Rhenus Logistics Canada
  • Candice Cook-Ohryn – Shell Canada Energy / Atlantic Canada offshore Developments (ACOD)
  • Chris Pitts - Siem Offshore Canada
  • David Long – Siem Offshore Canada
  • Mike Kohfal & Tina Northrup – East Coast Environmental Law
  • Dave Anglin – Baird & Associates
  • Philip S. Bassil – Northgreen Capital, inc
  • Patrick Butler - Kwilmu'kw Maw-Klusuaqn Negotiation Office
  • Greg Veinott – LeeWay Marine
  • Christina Clarke – Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
  • Troy Atkinson – Nova Scotia Swordfishermen's Association
  • Gemma Rayner – Oceans North
  • Katie Power – Fish, Food & Allied Worker's Union (FFAW-Unifor)
  • Kimberly Keats – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) NL Region
  • Daniel J. Fleck – Brazil Rock 3334 Lobster Association
  • Chris Gosse – Longshoremens Protective Union (I.L.A.) local 1953
  • Gerard Chidley – G & D Fisheries Ltd – Harvesting Sector
  • Dante Newold – Royal Greenland Fisheries
  • Robert Coombs – Nunatukavut Community Council
  • Martin Tremblay – Wood
  • Todd Delaney – N/A
  • Michael Hingston – Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC – EA Program)
  • Sam Imbeault – Everwind Fuels
  • Eugene Conway - Fish Harvester
  • CarolLee Giffin – Department of National Defense
  • Troy Hardy – Fish Harvester
  • Elizabeth Barlow – St. Alban's, MAMKA
  • Randy Miles – Flat Bay Band
  • Karl Hodge – Fish Harvester (3PS)
  • Delia Warren – Xodus Group
  • Vanessa Byrne – Atlantic Groundfish Council
  • Darren McQuillan – Barxex Corporation
  • Ahmed Derradji – National Research Council of Canada *
  • Fred Scott – Baird & Associates *
  • John Salsburry – SPANS *

Scientific Information & Community Knowledge Advisory Group Members:

  • Jason Day – BBA Engineering and Environmental
  • Kate Hendry & Quinn Gallagher – Canadian Coast Guard, Atlantic Region
  • Candice Cook-Ohryn – Shell Canada Energy / Atlantic Canada Offshore Developments (ACOD)
  • David Long – Siem Offshore Canada
  • Mike Kohfal & Tina Northrup – East Coast Environmental Law
  • Philip S. Bassil – Northgreen Capital Inc.
  • Patrick Butler - Kwilmu'kw Maw-Klusuaqn Negotiation Office
  • Greg Veinott – LeeWay Marine
  • Christina Clarke – Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
  • Troy Atkinson – Nova Scotia Swordfishermans Association
  • Gemma Rayner – Oceans North
  • Katie Power – Fish, Food & Allied Workers Union (FFAW-Unifor)
  • Kimberly Keats – Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) NL Region
  • Chris Gosse – Longshoremen's protective Union (I.L.A) Local 1953
  • Gerard Chidley – G & D Fisheries' LTD Harvesting Sector
  • Dante Enewold – Royal Greenland Fisheries
  • Mike Paulin – Worley Canada Services Ltd
  • Todd Ralph – Fugro Canada Corp.
  • Grant Humphries – Black Bawks Data Science
  • Bruce Martin – JASCO Applied Sciences
  • Stewart Erwin – Sabik Offshore
  • Scott Dickey – Strum Consulting
  • Richard Hendricks – Innu Nation /University of Toronto
  • Johanna Tuglavina - AnanauKatiget Regional Inuit Women's Association & Keepers of the Circle
  • Ahmed Derradji – National Research Council of Canada *
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