Public Notice

The modernization of the district energy system (DES) – Public Comments Invited

May 30, 2024 – The authorities must determine whether the proposed modernization of the district energy system (DES), located in the National Capital Region is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, the authorities are inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by June 29, 2024 to:

Environment, Health and Safety

Public Services and Procurement Canada

11 Laurier St, Portage III, Place du Portage
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0S5



The Proposed Project

In the National Capital Region there are several buildings on the district energy system (DES) that connects to central heating and cooling plants using over 14km of underground piping to provide heating by steam and cooling by chilled water. This system was built between 50-100 years ago. The infrastructure is reaching the end of its useful life and the technology in use is inefficient and expensive to maintain.

The Energy Services Acquisition Program, also known as ESAP, is the modernization of this district energy system (DES). It includes the conversion of the system to use low temperature hot water for heating and electric chillers for cooling. The objectives of this modernization are to build a more efficient, safe, and reliable system. The proposed project would partially take place on leased National Capital Commission (NCC) lands and is subject to a federal land use, design, and real estate transaction approval under the National Capital Act.

The conversion to the new system involves the construction of distribution networks that deliver heating and cooling to buildings through a series of underground tunnels, direct buried piping, and bridge crossings.

Two buildings located on the east side of the Rideau Canal are connected to the network via steam piping that is fixed to the underside of the MacKenzie King Bridge. This steam piping needs to be removed and replaced with low temperature hot water piping as part of the ESAP program. New piping is required because the system is being converted to a different type of heating.  

The means and methods used for accessing this pipe will be through the erection of a temporary work platform to facilitate all construction activities required to safely remove and replace the piping. This work platform will span the length of the bridge from the NAC Bridge Abutment across the Canal to the Shaw Centre Bridge Abutment. Measures will be put in place to mitigate impacts to the Rideau Canal Skateway and its operations during the winter season

Document reference number: 1

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