Public Notice

Loading dock fit-up at Dominion Sculptor Workshop – Public Comments Invited

June 11, 2024 – The authorities must determine whether the proposed Loading dock fit-up at Dominion Sculptor Workshop, located in Gatineau is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this determination, the authorities are inviting comments from the public respecting that determination. All comments received will be considered public and may be posted online.

Written comments must be submitted by July 12, 2024 to:

Environment, Health and Safety

Public Services and Procurement Canada

11 Laurier St, Portage III, Place du Portage
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0S5



The Proposed Project

The project consists of the fit-up of an existing loading dock to house a production shop for the Dominion Sculptor at the Macoun Centre at Pink Road in Gatineau, QC., and will include capacity for 8-10 sculptors in 295 sqm of space including an exterior workspace. This new production will be a place where the Dominion Sculptor's will be able to do stone carving. The majority of the work has focused on delivering the historical sculpture program of adding new carvings to the walls of Centre Block to continue to tell Canada's story. Other main functions include providing maintenance and conservation services to existing stone sculpture found on precinct assets. The new workshop must provide the Dominion Sculptor with adequate space to perform activities such as stone work, grinding and hot work along with all the necessary equipment and utilities such as a dust and exhaust management system, controlled hazardous area, hot and cold water and adequate power supply.

Document reference number: 1

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