Public Notice
Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project — Public Comment Period & Virtual Open Houses

FortisBC Holdings Inc. is proposing to expand its existing Tilbury LNG Project, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage and production facility located on Tilbury Island, in Delta, British Columbia. As proposed, the Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project would increase the facility's LNG production capacity by more than 50%, up to 13,700 tonnes of LNG per day for an operational life of at least 40 years. The expansion would allow for a total storage capacity of up to 208,000 cubic metres of LNG and include an additional storage tank and liquefaction facilities.

The Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) have accepted an initial project description for the proposed project, which is subject to both the federal Impact Assessment Act and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Act. The Agency and the EAO are working cooperatively for the initial phase of the project's review.

The unique circumstances arising from COVID-19 have presented challenges to the usual approaches of undertaking meaningful public engagement and Indigenous consultation. The Agency and the EAO continue to assess the situation with key participants, adjust consultation and engagement activities, and provide flexibility as needed in order to prioritize the health and safety of all Canadians.

Comments Invited

As part of the cooperative project review process, the Agency and the EAO are inviting the public and Indigenous groups to review the initial project description and provide feedback related to the proposed project. A summary of the document in English or French is also available on the Agency's website at

Comments received will support the Agency and the EAO in the preparation of a joint Summary of Issues and Engagement for the project. Once completed, the joint Summary of Issues and Engagement will be provided to FortisBC Holdings Inc. to inform the next steps in the process.

Comments only need to be submitted once to either the Agency or the EAO to be considered in both the provincial and federal review processes and may be submitted in either official language. Comments can be submitted online by visiting the project home page on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (reference number 80496), or by visiting the EAO 's website at Comments received by the Agency and the EAO are considered public and will be published online.

The comment period has been extended to 45 days and will take place from June 1st to midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST) on July 16, 2020.

Virtual Open Houses

Due to COVID-19 and the associated physical distancing and self-isolation measures, the Agency and EAO will host virtual open houses on June 18, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. PST, and June 23, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. PST.

The virtual open houses will include presentations on the federal and provincial review processes, a presentation by FortisBC Holdings Inc. on the Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project, and opportunities to ask questions online or by telephone. Instructions and hyperlinks to join the online meetings will be found on the EAO's project page website ( Participants who prefer to only listen by phone can dial 1-833-968-1918 and use conference ID number 5057416 (June 18) or 6887462 (June 23). The presentations will be recorded and made available online.

Substitution Request

In addition, the Government of British Columbia has requested that the conduct of the federal impact assessment process be substituted to the province. This means if federal and provincial assessments are both required, and the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change decides that the provincial process is an appropriate substitute for the federal process, the provincial government would conduct the impact assessment of the project on behalf of the Agency, fulfilling the requirements of both the federal Impact Assessment Act and British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Act.

The Agency is also seeking comments from the public and Indigenous groups on this request.

Additional Details

For more information on the project, the federal review process and alternative means of submitting comments to the Agency, visit For more information on the provincial review process visit

Document reference number: 8

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