Notice of intent to make a determination

Notice of Intent to Make a Determination

Blanket Permit - SaskEnergy - Gasification of Assiniboine Indian Reserve No. 76 - Public Comments invited

July 18, 2024 - Indigenous Services Canada must determine whether the proposed Blanket Permit - SaskEnergy - Gasification of Assiniboine Indian Reserve No. 76, to be located on Assiniboine Indian Reserve No. 76, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, Indigenous Services Canada is inviting comments from the public respecting that determination.

Written comments must be submitted by August 17, 2024 to:

Indigenous Services Canada
Alvin Hamilton Building, 1783 Hamilton Street
Regina, SK  S4P 2B6

Telephone: 306-581-3134

Proposed Project

Natural Gas Low Pressure Distribution Infrastructure - Permit for the whole of  Assiniboine Indian Reserve No. 76 for as long as needed. SaskEnergy may install and maintain natural gas natural gas mains and any supporting infrastructure required to support natural gas distribution services (e.g. meter stations, valves, tie-ins etc.) on above noted reserves. The majority of work will involve the installation, maintenance, repair and decommissioning of mains noted in  Assiniboine Indian Reserve No. 76. 

Typical work on these projects includes but is not limited to: initial survey of project area, scoping of work, bell hole excavation, exposure of existing mains for tie-ins, installation of mains via trenching/ploughing/directional drilling/boring or other standard means, tie-ins, backfill and re-contouring of excavated or disturbed areas, re-seeding as required, and final clean up of the project area.

Infrastructure installations may also involve topsoil stripping, graveling and grading, building of approaches as required. SaskEnergy infrastructure may be installed adjacent to or within utility corridors that may include power, telecommunications, natural gas transmission, oil, water and/or natural gas distribution. The mains will primarily be installed in land areas that have been subject to previous disturbance, including but not limited to previously cleared cultivated and pasture lands, land developed for residential and rural residential use, urban areas, road verges, and industrial lands. However, portions may also traverse uncleared and/or undeveloped lands and natural landscapes with native plant and wildlife communities.

All construction will follow established standards current at the time of project installation. Potential waste generation includes products of hydrocarbon combustion (e.g. Carbon dioxide), drilling mud (bentonite), potential spills/leaks of materials not limited to hydrocarbons, lubricants, antifreezes and greases typically used in construction equipment. Spill prevention will be emphasized, spill kits used, and clean up and reporting completed following best practices. The Land Manager for the listed IRs will be made aware of all spills.

All SaskEnergy work will involve natural gas and follows established safety standards.

A separate application for a blanket permit for subsequent mains, services and infrastructure will follow upon the quote acceptance by the customer.

All work will be completed in accordance with the SaskEnergy Environmental Protection Guidelines and will adhere to the Migratory Bird Convention Act and Regulations. Any work for which Pelican Lake requests engagement, or is of a scale that reasonably warrants wider engagement, will be submitted under separate application.

Portions of proposed route which cross heritage sensitive areas and may have the potential to impact cultural, historical or archaeological resources will identified and suitable mitigation will be determined in with the input of the Land Manager for Assiniboine Indian Reserve No. 76.


Document reference number: 1

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