Public Comment Period on Intent to Make a Determination
Strategic Tanker Transport Capability Project Support Infrastructure, Airfield Modifications Phase 1 – 8 Wing Trenton

August 30, 2024 — The Department of National Defence must decide whether the proposed project is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.

To help inform this decision, the Department of National Defence is inviting comments from the public on the project and its potential effects on the environment. All comments received will be considered public. For more information, individuals should consult the Privacy Notice on the Registry website.

Written comments must be submitted by September 18, 2024 to:
Andrew Tam, 8 Wing Environment Officer
Mailing Address:  PO Box 1000 Station Forces, Astra
Ontario, Canada, K0K 3W0


Adam Kurz, Project Manager, NORAD Modernization Infrastructure Project Delivery
Mailing Address:  NDHQ – 101 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa
Ontario, K1A 0K2

The Proposed Project

The Department of National Defence (DND) has proposed a project to modify existing infrastructure and construct new infrastructure in support of the Strategic Tanker Transport Capability Project (STTC). The site is located at 8 Wing Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Trenton. The proposed project consists of Phase 1 of the modifications to the existing airfield.

  • Year 1- Taxiway Papa Rehabilitation
  • Year 2 - Reconstruct Runway 06-24

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