News Release
Joint Review Panel Issues Ruling On Questions of Constitutional Law

Ottawa, October 26, 2012 – The Joint Review Panel reviewing the proposed Jackpine Mine Expansion project near Fort McMurray, Alberta, today ruled that it does not have the jurisdiction to consider the constitutional questions raised by Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and Métis Nation of Alberta Region 1. Those groups asked the Joint Review Panel to decide if the Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada had met their duties to consult with the groups in relation to the project.

The Joint Review Panel convened a hearing session on October 23, 2012 to consider these questions. Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Métis Nation of Alberta Region 1, the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada, and Shell Canada Limited made submissions to the Joint Review Panel.

The Joint Review Panel notes that although it does not have the jurisdiction to consider these questions of constitutional law, it will consider the evidence and argument relating to the potential effects of the project brought forward by Aboriginal groups and individuals during the course of the hearing that begins Oct. 29, 2012, in Fort McMurray.

The decision of the Joint Review Panel together with other information relating to the project (including the Environmental Impact Statement and the Application filed by Shell Canada Limited) is available on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Registry, under reference #59540.

Paper copies of the Application may be viewed at the following location:

Energy Resources Conservation Board
Fort McMurray Regional Office
2nd Floor, Provincial Building
9915 Franklin Avenue
Fort McMurray, AB

About the Project

Shell Canada is proposing to expand the Jackpine Mine project. The expansion would include additional mining areas and associated processing facilities, utilities and infrastructure. The project would be located about 70 km north of Fort McMurray on the east side of the Athabasca River. The expansion project would increase bitumen production by 100,000 barrels per day, bringing production at the mine to 300,000 barrels per day.

About the Joint Review Panel

The Joint Review Panel for the proposed Jackpine Mine Expansion project is an independent body, mandated by the Minister of the Environment and the Chairman of the Energy Resources Conservation Board to assess the environmental effects of the proposed project and review the Application.

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Media may contact:

  • Bob Curran, Communications
    Energy Resources Conservation Board
    Tel.: 403-297-3392
  • Lucille Jamault, Communications
    Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
    Tel.: 613-957-0434

Document reference number: 1221

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