News Release
Keeyask Generation Project – Public Comments Invited

OTTAWA – November 21, 2012 – The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency invites the public to comment on the potential environmental effects of the Keeyask Generation Project (the Project) and the proposed measures to prevent or mitigate those effects as described in the Environmental Effects Summary document.

The Keeyask Hydropower Limited Partnership proposes the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Project, a 695-megawatt hydroelectric generating station located on the lower Nelson River, approximately 180 kilometres northeast of Thompson, Manitoba. The Project includes a powerhouse complex, spillway, dams, dykes, reservoir, and supporting infrastructure. The federal environmental assessment also considers a proposal by Manitoba Hydro for a 22 kilometre transmission line to provide construction power to the Keeyask Generation Project and three 35 kilometre long transmission lines within a single corridor to transmit electricity from the Keeyask Generation Project to the existing Radisson Converter Station near Gillam, Manitoba.

Written comments must be submitted by December 21, 2012 to:

Keeyask Generation Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Suite 101, 167 Lombard Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3B 0T6
Telephone: 204-983-5127
Fax: 204-983-7174

To view the Environmental Effects Summary and the supporting environmental effects reports for the hydroelectric generating station and the transmission lines, or for more information, visit the Agency’s website (registry reference number 64144). All comments received will be considered available to the public.

Following this comment period, the Agency will prepare a Comprehensive Study Report, describing its conclusions on the environmental effects, the proposed mitigation measures and the significance of any remaining adverse environmental effects. A public comment period on the Comprehensive Study Report will be announced at a later date.

This project is being assessed using a science-based approach. As for any project assessed under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, this project will continue to be subject to Canada’s strong environmental laws, rigorous enforcement and follow-up, and increased fines.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency administers the federal environmental assessment process, which identifies the environmental effects of proposed projects and measures to address those effects, in support of sustainable development.


Media may contact:

Maxine Leger-Haskell
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Communications Advisor
Tel.: 613-957-0406

Document reference number: 14

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