Public Notice
Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Ajax Mine Project – Public Comment Period and Information Sessions

KGHM Ajax Mining Inc. is proposing to develop the Ajax Mine Project (the proposed Project), a copper-gold mine located partially within the city of Kamloops, British Columbia (B.C.). The proposed Project has an expected mine life of 23 years with a production capacity of approximately 60,000 tonnes of mineral ore per day.

The proposed Project is subject to review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and B.C.'s Environmental Assessment Act and is undergoing a cooperative environmental assessment process.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEA Agency) and the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) will be holding a public comment period from January 11 to March 12, 2012 related to the draft Application Information Requirements / Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines document (the document). This document outlines all elements to be reviewed and identifies the information, including environmental studies that the proponent is required to submit to the CEA Agency and the EAO as part of the environmental assessment process.

Additional information will be provided in early January that will explain where and how the document can be read and accessed. This advertisement will include greater details on how to submit comments to the EAO and CEA Agency.

The summary of the document and the document itself will be made available in early January on the CEA Agency's website and on the EAO's website.

Information Sessions

The CEA Agency and the EAO will also be conducting an information session in Kamloops on February 6 and 7, 2012 to provide information about the proposed Project and environmental assessment and to allow the public the opportunity to speak with various environmental assessment experts on-site. Additional details on the format of this information session will be provided in January.

Date Location
February 6 and 7, 2012
12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Kamloops Towne Lodge
1250 Rogers Way
Kamloops, B.C.

Displays containing information on the proposed Project and the draft Application Information Requirements / Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines will be available for public viewing and comment at these information sessions.

All submissions received by the CEA Agency and the EAO during the comment period in relation to the proposed Project are considered public. They will be posted to the EAO Web site and will become part of the CEA Agency project file.

Document reference number: 11

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