Notice of Commencement of an Environmental Assessment

Arnaud Mining Project

Sept-Iles (QC)

January 24, 2012 (Updated January 25, 2012) -- On October 13, 2011, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) and the Sept-Iles Port Authority received a project description in accordance with the Establishing Timelines for Comprehensive Study Regulations.

Based on information they have received, the Agency and the Sept-Iles Port Authority have determined that the project is described in the comprehensive study list and that an environmental assessment pursuant to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act is required. As a result, a comprehensive study commenced on January 11, 2012.

The proposed project consists of the construction, operation and decommissioning of an approximately 24-million-tonne apatite concentrate and 48-million-tonne titaniferous magnetite concentrate mine. The project includes an open-pit mine, crushing facilities, an ore processing plant, an apatite concentrate loading system, an electricity grid, a tailings storage facility, including titaniferous magnetite storage bins, service buildings, and moving a section of the railway.

An environmental assessment is required in relation to the project because the Canadian Transportation Agency may take action in relation to subsection 98(2) of the Canada Transportation Act; Fisheries and Oceans Canada may take action in relation to subsection 35(2) of the Fisheries Act and the Sept-Iles Port Authority may provide federal lands.

This project is also subject to the environmental assessment requirements of the Government of Québec.

For further information on this environmental assessment, please contact:
Arnaud Mining Project
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
Anne-Marie Gaudet, Project Manager
Mine Arnaud Inc.
901-1550, D'Estimauville Avenue,
Québec  QC  G1J 0C1
Telephone : 418-649-6444
Fax : 418-649-6443
Email :

and refer to Registry reference number 12-03-63926

Document reference number: 8

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