Public Notice
Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Ajax Mine Project – Public Comment Period and Information Session

Update (January 11, 2012) - Please note that the Agency is seeking public input on a summary of the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document available on the Agency's website. For the duration of the public comment period, this document can also be reviewed at public libraries including the Kamloops Library 100-465 Victoria St., and the North Kamloops Library 693 Tranquille Rd, the city of Kamloops offices located at 7 Victoria St. West and at 955 Concordia Way, and the proponent's Kamloops office located at 330 Seymour St.

KGHM Ajax Mining Inc. (the proponent) is proposing to develop the Ajax Mine Project (the proposed Project), a copper-gold mine located partially within the city of Kamloops, British Columbia (B.C.). The proposed Project has an expected mine life of 23 years with a production capacity of approximately 60,000 tonnes of mineral ore per day.

The proposed Project is subject to review under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and B.C.'s Environmental Assessment Act and is undergoing a cooperative environmental assessment process.

Public Comment Period

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEA Agency) and the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) are holding a 60-day public comment period from January 11 to March 12, 2012 related to the draft Application Information Requirements / Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines document (the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document).

The purpose of the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document is to provide direction to the proponent regarding information requirements to include in a future document called the Application/Environmental Impact Statement document (the Application/EIS document). The draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document describes the studies, methods and information the proponent is required to include in preparing the Application/EIS document. The draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document does not include the results of studies required, the assessment of potential effects of the Project, or environmental management plans to manage the Project. This information will be included as part of the future Application/EIS document, for which the CEA Agency and the EAO will coordinate a separate public consultation. An example of how the two documents differ is provided below:

Draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document (subject of current comment period) Application/EIS document (subject of future comment period)
e.g. For migratory birds:
  • Describes the requirement for baseline information on migratory birds, defining the proposed local and regional study areas and the period of time to study the potential effects.
  • Requires the proponent to identify and analyze in the future Application/EIS the potential adverse effects resulting from the proposed Project.
e.g. For migratory birds:
  • The proponent provides the results of the field surveys conducted, provides an analysis of the potential effects of construction, operation, decommissioning and closure activities.
  • The proponent commits to undertaking measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate for the potential adverse effects, and to prepare environmental management plans.

At this time, the CEA Agency and the EAO are seeking public input on:

  • whether the proposed studies, methods and information included in the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document satisfy your interests and concerns;
  • additional interests and concerns you would like to see included for study or consideration in the future Application/EIS document; and,
  • any other environmental considerations in relation to the proposed Project.

The CEA Agency and the EAO will take into consideration written comments received during this public comment period and will require the proponent to track the issues and concerns identified and provide responses.

As of January 11, the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document and more information on the environmental assessment of the proposed Project will be available on the CEA Agency's website and on the EAO's website. For the duration of the public comment period, this document can also be reviewed at public libraries including the Kamloops Library 100-465 Victoria St, and the North Kamloops Library 693 Tranquille Rd, the city of Kamloops offices located at 7 Victoria St. West and at 955 Concordia Way, and the proponent's Kamloops office located at 330 Seymour St.

The CEA Agency and the EAO will accept public comments

By Online Form.

By Email.

By Fax: 250-356-6448.

By Mail:

Chris Hamilton, Project Assessment Director
Environmental Assessment Office
PO Box 9426 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria B.C. V8W 9V1


Colleen Hanlan, Project Manager
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
410-701 West Georgia Street
Vancouver B.C. V7Y 1C6

Information Sessions

During the public comment period, the CEA Agency and the EAO will hold information sessions in Kamloops, B.C. on February 6 and 7, 2012. The objective of these information sessions is to explain the purpose and content of the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document and to seek written input from the public on whether the proposed studies, methods and information required satisfy your interests and concerns.

Date/Time Location
February 6 and 7, 2012
12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Kamloops Towne Lodge
1250 Rogers Way
Kamloops, B.C.

The CEA Agency and the EAO will have displays on the content of the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document for public viewing at the information sessions. The public is invited:

  • to consider whether the proposed studies, methods and information included in the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines document satisfy your interests and concerns; and,
  • to speak in person with various environmental assessment representatives and technical experts at the information sessions, asking questions about the proposed information that will be in the future Application/EIS document. The CEA Agency and EAO will use the future Application/EIS document to evaluate the proposed Project.

The CEA Agency and the EAO will take written comments from the information sessions into consideration and require the proponent to track the issues and concerns raised and provide responses.

For safety reasons, additional signs, posters, and demonstrations will not be permitted inside the Kamloops Towne Lodge during the information sessions.

All submissions received by the CEA Agency and the EAO during the comment period in relation to the proposed Project are considered public. They will be posted to the EAO website and will become part of the CEA Agency project file.

Document reference number: 14

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