Future Ferries and Modifications to the Existing Channel at Wood Islands, PE

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Document Update: Public Notice - Future Ferries and Modifications to the Existing Channel at Wood Islands, PE

  • Project Future Ferries and Modifications to the Existing Channel at Wood Islands, PE
  • Document Category: For Public Participation
  • Reference Number: 2
  • Updated: 2024-08-21
  • Document: 158664E.html
  • Relevance: 399.78
  • Amended the estimated dredge quantities in the Public Notice.
3 alternate formats found
English PDF
  • Relevance: 399.78
  • Public Notice Future Ferries and Modifications to the Existing Channel at Wood Islands, PE – Public Comments Invited July 31, 2024 – Transport Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada must determine whether the proposed Future Ferries and Modifications to the Existing Channel at Wood Islands, PE, is likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects. To help inform this determination, the authorities are inviting comments from the ...
French PDF
  • Relevance: 348.78
  • Avis public Les futurs traversiers et modifications du chenal existant à Wood Islands, Î-P-É -Période de consultation publique 31 juillet 2024 – Transports Canada, Environnement et Changement Climatique Canada et Pêches et Océans Canada doivent déterminer si le projet proposé Les futurs traversiers et modifications du chenal existant à Wood Islands, Î-P-É est susceptible d’entraîner des effets négatifs importants sur l’environnement. Afin de contribuer à une prise de ...
French HTML
  • Relevance: 348.78
  • Modification des quantités estimées de dragage dans l'avis public.

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