Crown Mountain Coking Coal project comments

Reference Number

Canada and BC cannot meet currently mandated emissions goals (Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act), yet we are contemplating another coal project. The science is abundantly clear; Canada/BC must turn away from such projects   in order to ensure we meet our provincial, federal and global commitments. This project will release 5.69 MT cumulatively over the life of the Project, 414 572 tonnes/year and methane emissions of 140,720 tonnes of CO2e/year. How can we reach net-zero emissions by 2050 allowing such projects?

In addition to emissions, it will cause further erosion of water quality, impacts on Species at Risk (Whitebark Pine habitat, Westslope Cutthroat Trout) and encroachment on a pristine valley. Habitat/species offsets are not scientifically proven and hence, are not considered a viable conservation option. There will be cumulative effects of this plus the other mines in the area on pollution, but once again, this is not considered. We are also signatories to the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework. We should adhere to its goals.


As a global society, we are faced with twin crises: Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss, and a third, pollution. This project contravenes all three! This project must not be allowed to proceed.

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Anonymous
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2024-02-27 - 11:35 PM
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