Disapproval of the Sprinpole Gold Project

Reference Number

This project fails to receive my support due to its potential to harm Springpole Lake and surrounding ecosystems, as well as its lack of engagement and disregard for the Treaty Rights of the surrounding Indigenous nations. Environmental Assessment and reporting have failed to provide concrete or adequate mitigation to avoid detrimental habitat loss and toxic contamination. The infilling of lakes surrounding the project, followed by lacklustre approaches to habitat restoration/amplification in neighbouring areas, does not suffice to approve such a disruptive project. Open-pit mines produce copious amounts of waste rock and leave potentially acid-leaking waste to be ‘potentially’ dealt with, as summarized in the 2018 project description summary. The tailings produced from ore production also cause massive amounts of contamination that have seemingly been described to be left alone once the mine closes, leaving major concerns to fish and wildlife populations that many of the surrounding Indigenous nations depend on for food, which brings me to my second reservation about the project. Being within Treaty 9 territory, the Cat Lake First Nations can uphold their treaty rights and right to self-determination and the principle of free, prior and informed consent. While it is known that they have been made aware of the project and can comment, they have been advocating for the provincial refusal of this project. Little to no discourse with the Nation has been provided to the public, which provides me with reservations for the project. 
Before I could be swayed in my decision, proper site rehabilitation plans must be laid out, and free and informed consent from the Cat Lake First Nations must be presented!

Submitted by
Mahra Harris
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2024-03-06 - 10:51 PM
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