I have seen what this leads to its not pretty

Reference Number

This looks like a project that is going to wreak a lot of havoc on nature , are we that fixated of extracting everything and anything that will benefit a small number of people 

with menial jobs while the expertise is flown in to make the decisions and enhance the company's bottom line at the expense of the land and the people . I have worked in 

Republic of Congo , Nigeria , Camaroon , Brazil and Singapore . I have seen what this type of exploitation leads to and in most cases the results are pretty devastating . Who is going to 

foot the bill after the current exploiters make their mess and move on to the next gullible or corrupt or both jurisdictions to carry on their mission which is to make money for shareholders .

Submitted by
Philip Fougere
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2021-05-01 - 9:37 AM
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