Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project

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Attachment We cannot have hazardous industry in the middle of an estaury!

  • Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Otto Langer
  • Reference Number: 41
  • Submitted: 2020-07-14
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Please see attached.
  • Attachment Included
  • George Heyman Minister of Environment Parliament Buildings Victoria, B.C. Fraser Voices 6911 Dunsany Place Richmond, BC. V7C 4N8 March 5, 2020 Dear Hon. Minister Heyman: Re: State of Environmental Protection in the Fraser River Estuary. During the past decade the industrial development pressures are again building momentum in the Lower Fraser River and its estuary. Some terrible precedents were set by previous Federal and BC governments but to our dismay we see little action from present senior governments to re-establish some of the environmental assessment and protection measures that we could count on in the 1970’s to 2010 time period to at least maintain the status quo. A short listing of shortcomings in environmental assessments, high risk projects and inadequate government policies that are exposing the estuary to great risk and losses include: 1. Ottawa elimination of EA and protection legislation in ...
  • Attachment Included
  • History and Outcomes of the Fraser River Estuary Management Program (FREMP) and the Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Plan (BIEAP). FREMP was formed in the 1980s after several years of Fraser River Estuary Study work. FREMP was to overcome the disjointed and inadequate protection of the Fraser River estuary. FREMP was a successful initiative but was terminated by the federal government in 2013. A new FREMP type program is urgently required to protect the estuary and associated ecosystems to reduce industrial / environmental conflict now taking place in the estuary and the Lower Fraser River. Otto E. Langer May 18, 2019 After FREMP/ BIEAP – Where to Next? 1 Overview and History of the Fraser River Estuary Management Plan (FREMP) / Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Plan (BIEAP) and Recommendations for Action. After FREMP / BIEAP - Where to Next? Otto E. Langer - Fisheries and Aquatic Biologist May 18, ...
  • Attachment Included
  • July 10, 2020 FRASER VOICES ASSOCIATION*] Environment Minister George Heyman BC Environment Victoria, BC (forwarded by email) July 10, 2020 Dear Minister Heyman: Re: Request for an Extension to the Public Review Period on the Fortis Tilbury Phase II LNG Expansion Project. On March 5, 2020 Fraser Voices mailed you a letter concerning the tremendous industrial pressure now facing the Fraser River Estuary, its living resources and our community’s quality of life. We listed a long list of industrial projects that are now posed for development on the banks of the Fraser Estuary. That letter is attached. We had hoped to meet and discuss the issue but COVID has delayed that meeting. Despite constant public pressure for better estuary protection, it appears that government is now solely devoted to assessing and approving almost any project proposed for development in the estuary. Since the elimination of FREMP there is no planning ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Please see the attachment to view the content.


Attachment Request for Extension to Public Comment Period for Tilbury Phase II LNG Expansion

  • Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Otto Langer
  • Reference Number: 33
  • Submitted: 2020-07-13
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: N/A
  • Sent: July 10, 2020 8:17 PM To: Minister Heyman >> <george.heyman.mla@leg.bc.ca>; Jonathan Wilkinson <Jonathan.Wilkinson.C1A@parl.gc.ca>; Malcolm Brodie <mayorandcouncillors@richmond.ca>; Nathan.Braun@gov.bc.ca; Fern.Stockman@gov.bc.ca; Registry-Registre (IAAC/AEIC) <iaac.registry-registre.aeic@canada.ca> Cc: Delta Optimist <editor@delta-optimist.com>; Richmond News <editor@richmond-news.com>; Eoghan Moriarty <eoghan@mindagape.com>; Eoin <info@myseatosky.org>; Fraser Voices <Fraser-Voices@googlegroups.com>; Eoghan Moriarty <"mailto:info"@realhearings.org> Subject: Request for Extension to Public Comment Period for Tilbury Phase II LNG Expansion Importance: High   Dear Hon. Minister Heyman: Attached please find our request for at least a 60 day extension for proper public review of the ...
  • Attachment Included
  • History and Outcomes of the Fraser River Estuary Management Program (FREMP) and the Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Plan (BIEAP). FREMP was formed in the 1980s after several years of Fraser River Estuary Study work. FREMP was to overcome the disjointed and inadequate protection of the Fraser River estuary. FREMP was a successful initiative but was terminated by the federal government in 2013. A new FREMP type program is urgently required to protect the estuary and associated ecosystems to reduce industrial / environmental conflict now taking place in the estuary and the Lower Fraser River. Otto E. Langer May 18, 2019 After FREMP/ BIEAP – Where to Next? 1 Overview and History of the Fraser River Estuary Management Plan (FREMP) / Burrard Inlet Environmental Action Plan (BIEAP) and Recommendations for Action. After FREMP / BIEAP - Where to Next? Otto E. Langer - Fisheries and Aquatic Biologist May 18, ...
  • Attachment Included
  • July 10, 2020 FRASER VOICES ASSOCIATION*] Environment Minister George Heyman BC Environment Victoria, BC (forwarded by email) July 10, 2020 Dear Minister Heyman: Re: Request for an Extension to the Public Review Period on the Fortis Tilbury Phase II LNG Expansion Project. On March 5, 2020 Fraser Voices mailed you a letter concerning the tremendous industrial pressure now facing the Fraser River Estuary, its living resources and our community’s quality of life. We listed a long list of industrial projects that are now posed for development on the banks of the Fraser Estuary. That letter is attached. We had hoped to meet and discuss the issue but COVID has delayed that meeting. Despite constant public pressure for better estuary protection, it appears that government is now solely devoted to assessing and approving almost any project proposed for development in the estuary. Since the elimination of FREMP there is no planning ...
  • Attachment Included
  • George Heyman Minister of Environment Parliament Buildings Victoria, B.C. Fraser Voices 6911 Dunsany Place Richmond, BC. V7C 4N8 March 5, 2020 Dear Hon. Minister Heyman: Re: State of Environmental Protection in the Fraser River Estuary. During the past decade the industrial development pressures are again building momentum in the Lower Fraser River and its estuary. Some terrible precedents were set by previous Federal and BC governments but to our dismay we see little action from present senior governments to re-establish some of the environmental assessment and protection measures that we could count on in the 1970’s to 2010 time period to at least maintain the status quo. A short listing of shortcomings in environmental assessments, high risk projects and inadequate government policies that are exposing the estuary to great risk and losses include: 1. Ottawa elimination of EA and protection legislation in ...
  • Attachment Included
  • Please see the attachment to view the content.


Attachment Notice of time limit resumption and notification of the opportunity to comment on the proposed Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project (Agency Project Number 005724, Registry Reference Number 80496)

  • Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Katzie First Nation
  • Reference Number: 25
  • Submitted: 2020-07-02
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comment Period & Virtual Open Houses
  • Please see attached.
  • Attachment Included
  • P: (604)465-8961 | F: (604)465-5949 19700 Salish Road, Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y2G1 KATZIE First Nation …Land of the Moss June 24, 2020 Shannon Potter Impact Assessment Agency of Canada 604-657-8547| Email: Shannon.potter@canada.ca Re: Opportunity to comment on the potential impact assessment of the proposed Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project Dear Shannon, Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the initial steps of the planning phase under the Impact Assessment Act for the proposed Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project (the Project) proposed by FortisBC Holdings Inc. (the proponent). The proposed Project lies in Katzie First Nation’s traditional territory. Katzie First Nation (Katzie) has never surrendered, ceded or sold any of our Aboriginal title or rights to the Crown. As such, Katzie is concerned with any activity that may affect our rights, title and interests in our territory. We understand ...
  • Attachment Included
  • P: (604)465-8961 | F: (604)465-5949 19700 Salish Road, Pitt Meadows, BC, V3Y2G1 KATZIE First Nation …Land of the Moss June 24, 2020 Tanner May-Poole Project Assessment Officer Environmental Assessment Office Government of British Columbia 778-698-9185| Email: Tanner.MayPoole@gov.bc.ca Re: Early engagement on the proposed Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project Dear Tanner, Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Early Engagement Phase under the Environmental Assessment Act for the proposed Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project (the Project) proposed by FortisBC Holdings Inc. (the proponent). The proposed Project lies in Katzie First Nation’s traditional territory. Katzie First Nation (Katzie) has never surrendered, ceded or sold any of our Aboriginal title or rights to the Crown. As such, Katzie is concerned with any activity that may affect our rights, title and interests in our territory. We ...


Attachment Public Safety Canada Federal Authority Advice Record - Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project

  • Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project
  • Author: Administrator on behalf of Public Safety Canada
  • Reference Number: 20
  • Submitted: 2020-06-03
  • Project Phase: N/A
  • Participation Notice: Public Notice - Public Comment Period & Virtual Open Houses
  • Hello, The  interpretation of the Public Safety Canada, Pacific Regional Office is that we do not have a direct role in the subject areas and assessment for the Tilbury Phase 2 Expansion. The assessment is expected to to be focused at the regulatory and legislative levels, and presumably any emergency preparedness or mitigative activities during project development would be prescribed by regulations to be commented on by the specific regulatory provincial and federal departments. A role that Public Safety could have, should there be a major emergency related to the site or project in the future, would be to facilitate federal and federal/provincial coordination during emergency response. Note that this would be for a major incident exceeding the routine response mechanisms for involved departments. I have attached the link to the Federal Emergency Response Plan (FERP) which describes this ...
  • Attachment Included
  • ATTACHMENT: [June 01, 2020] Federal Authority Advice Record Response due by [June 20, 2020]. Please submit the form to: IAAC.TilburyLNG-GNLTilbury.AEIC@canada.ca Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion Project – FortisBC Holdings Inc. Agency File: 005724 Department/Agency Public Safety Canada, Pacific Regional Office Lead IA Contact Andrew Hannan Full Address Suite 607 – 3292 Production Way, Burnaby, BC, V5A 4R4 Email Telephone 604-353-4733 Alternate Departmental Contact Sue Olsen, 604-418-6236 1. Is it probable that your department or agency may be required to exercise a power or perform a duty or function related to the Project to enable it to proceed? If yes, specify the Act of Parliament and that power, duty or function. No. 2. Is your department or agency in possession of specialist or expert information or knowledge that may be relevant to the conduct of an impact assessment of the Project? Specify as appropriate. Our ...

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