Indigenous inclusion

Reference Number

Good day,

The prospect of wind and green energy excites Miawpukek First Nation as it is a path that will lead to the protection of Mother Earth for future generations. Like many people who live in Mi’kmaki, we are hopeful that these developments will reduce carbon emissions and bring prosperity to our Nation. However, we also strongly urge the Government of Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador to approach this industry with much caution and respect paid to the environment.

The Indigenous populations of this province have not been adequately consulted regarding industry and projects happening in our traditional territory. We have had to fight for recognition, and through many battles with Government at all levels we are slowly making progress.

In the spirit of reconciliation, Section 35 of the Canadian Constitution, and UNDRIP, we hope Governments at all levels will consult with, accommodate, and ensure the Mi’kmaq people who have lived here and have used these resources since time immemorial are included in the ongoing dialogue as a part of this process.


Saqamaw Mi'sel Joe

Submitted by
Miawpukek First Nation
Public Notice
Public Notice: Comment Period on the Draft Agreements and Draft Terms of Reference
Date Submitted
2022-11-25 - 1:05 PM
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