Two comments

Reference Number

I have only two comments. First, the ToR and Draft Agreement doc for NS indicates the categories of both "conditions" in the study area and potential "impacts" (+ and -) to be considered, namely "Environmental, health, social and economic". It is recommended that language be included at this stage indicating that these factors will be considered in all cases both on their own and in their mutual relationship to one another. This is consistent with best practices emerging from socio-ecological systems approaches to IA, as well as from fields such as sustainable development and marine spatial planning, all which seek to understand the relationships (both with respect to existing conditions and potential impacts respectively) between these traditional categories, as well as on their own.

Second, the documents refer to the "Study Area"; it should be made clear, given the relative novelty to NS of offshore wind, that the Committee and advisory bodies will seek lessons learned from other jurisidictions outside the Study Area (eg US, UK, northern Europe) as and to the degree that they are deemed to be relevant to the Study Area. Perhaps this is too detailed at this point, or too obvious to need mentioning.

Respectfully submitted.


Submitted by
University of King's College
Public Notice
Public Notice: Comment Period on the Draft Agreements and Draft Terms of Reference
Date Submitted
2022-11-25 - 5:04 PM
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