Rail Spur Line

Reference Number

The Project Plan first stage of mining operations and milling process will require to run a rail spur line to connect with the Glencore existing rail from its Kidd metsite to the Metallurgical site at Hoyle. Will the proponent evalute the remaining tailings capacity at the Hoyle Metsite and possibly increase long term capacity of the existing infrastructure and treatment? Eliminating the need for a Process Plant and associated Tailings Management Facility at the Crawford Site would reduce the sensitive environmental impact on the existing landscape and surrounding watershed. The existing Process Plant at the Glencore Metallurgical site could be fully converted to run Crawford Ore for a much longer period than the initial plan design.   

Submitted by
Laurent Robichaud
Public Notice
Public Notice: Comments Invited on the Draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and Draft Public Participation Plan
Date Submitted
2023-03-06 - 7:56 PM
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