From Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation to Impact Assessment Agency of Canada - Input on Designation Request for the Baldwin East Aerodrome Project

Reference Number

Hello Spencer.


Georgina Island First Nation has openly been against this project since it was first introduced.

Since this is the first time anyone from the project has reached out to us, your request for input with a due date that has passed is not sufficient consultation. We are constitutionally owed the right to consultation. We have not been provided with any EA’s to review regarding this project, which is also our constitutional right.


The project will have direct impact on our hunting and fishing areas as set out in the William’s Treaty. It will also have a direct effect on Lake Simcoe where our drinking water is taken from. We have been working since before 2017, when the Ministry of Health finally declared a boiling water advisory for our First Nation, to provide safe drinking water to our community.


There are many issues our community has with the project.

One major question that keeps coming up; has the company (or another shell company ran by the same people) that plan on building this aerodrome been charged with dumping toxic fill previously? Many people looking into this have found previous charges against these people. Will this be investigated, and will it have any impact on your decisions?

We believe that the loophole with the length of the runway length being a few meters too short, should not impact the necessity for full environmental assessments, especially considering this project will be located on and around wetlands that feed directly into Lake Simcoe.  


Full and proper Environmental Assessments need to be followed. Permanent soil and water testing stations should be set up and monitored by the proponents. Guarantees should be put in place, backed by the federal government, that if any contaminated fill be found, not only is the company liable, but the government as well.



This project is opposed by not only GIFN but also Georgina council, MP Scot Davidson, and most people in this area. This project will have no positive impacts for the people of Georgina Island.


JL Porte

Community Consultation Worker

Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation
Public Notice
Date Submitted
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