ECCC - Feedback on Proposed Focus Area

Reference Number

Below and attached are comments from ECCC on the Focus Area as related to ice and waves:


Ice loads

  • Attached is the feedback for the constraint.
    • Note: Sea ice conditions were not considered but are required.
    • Note: There is a history of ice bergs in the proposed area.


Wind Resource

  • Average annual wind speed exceeding 7 m/s at a height of 100 m - we agree that this would be met.
  • The MSC Wave Atlas map shows average wind speed > 8 m/s south of the island and > 7 m/s west of the island, so the requirement is met even before adjustment to 100 m. The wind speed would be significantly more after the adjustment.
  • Source: (


Wave Height

  • Wave height does not exceed 2 m 80% of days per year.
  • See attached results and info (word doc and text files with data).
  • There are limited locations within the focus area that meet this criteria.
  • To be within the criteria, it needs to be in a location that is near shore, sheltered from the swell.
    • One grid-point showing where the criteria is met is near Fortune Bay
    • Even a grid point north of St. Pierre-Miquelon, did not meet the criteria.



Our Canadian Wildlife Service also reviewed but does not have specific comments with respect to the proposed Focus Area.


Please let me know if you have any questions or further requests in relation to our comments.



Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Environmental Protection Operations Directorate - Atlantic Environment and Climate Change Canada / Government of Canada
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2023-09-22 - 3:14 PM
Date modified: