CNLOPB - Proposed Focus Area

Reference Number

Good day,


The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board appreciated the opportunity to meet with the Committee on September 11, 2023. As a follow up, and as discussed during the meeting, the below information is being provided for your consideration.


  • Focus Area: The C-NLOPB is concerned about a lost opportunity with a reduced study area, or Focus Area for the Regional Assessment. The information that potentially will be contained within a final report could be useful to the C-NLOPB, particularly as it relates to the portion of the study area that was extended into the Jeanne d’Arc Region of the offshore. 
  • The following organizations/groups may also have additional information with respect to the focus area and the constraints analysis conducted:
  • Energy Newfoundland and Labrador
  • The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
  • Marine Renewables Canada
  • Indigenous Groups
  • One Ocean
  • Fisheries Groups (e.g. Fish Food and Allied Workers Union, Association of Seafood Producers, Ocean Choice international, Atlantic Groundfish Council)
  • Port of Argentia
  • Seismic Operators
  • EcoNext
  • C-Core
  • The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers is hosting the 2023 Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Environmental Forum on November 20-21, 2023. The forum will have a variety of sessions on a number of topics including spill prevention and response, new technology/emerging research, understanding and mitigating potential impacts of oil and gas on marine life, seabirds, and emissions reduction progress/research and updates from research organizations. The Committee is encouraged to participate virtually. If there is interest, we can provide additional details as the agenda is finalized.


  • Environmental Reports are submitted to the C-NLOPB annually (on March 31) for Production Projects and within 90 days for the drilling of exploration wells. These reports contain the physical environmental data collected during operations. We are in the process of including many of those reports on our Data and Information Hub ( (  If there is a report for a specific well or production facility that currently isn’t available, we’d be happy to provide to you, provided it can be disclosed under section 119 of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act.
  • The following links to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s website that were mentioned in our discussion are:
  • Project overview page for the Gulf of Maine Wind Energy Process: (
  • Gulf of Main Task Force Meeting
  • (


  • The C-NLOPB would be pleased to provide relevant and shareable information from other jurisdictions as it becomes available. C-NLOPB representatives participated in an offshore wind study tour organized by the Canada-Germany partnership. Details on Germany’s experience with offshore wind can be found at (


Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Melissa Moss
Public Notice
Date Submitted
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