RA OSW NL - Public Virtual Engagement Session - Afternoon

Reference Number

Hello to the committee. Troy Hardy here inshore harvester from the Southwest coast of this beautiful island of Newfoundland. I just wanted to state in writing via email, for the advisory committee that, I'm very confused and concerned about the way fishing data has been used in this preliminary report. 

     I understand that this is, again "just" a preliminary report, however I can clearly see that in some instances fishing activity has been taken into account (such as 3km lobster buffer) , and in other areas completely ignored. 

     I am not aware of the procedures and guidelines that were adhered to in the making of this preliminary report but I do not believe that picking only the suitable fisheries to create exclusion zones around, would be part of those processes, regardless of being just a preliminary report or not. 

      This speaks to a lack of transparency with the fishing industry of Newfoundland. As well, the whole process seems to lack adequate fisheries input and data from the beginning. Again, just wanted to publicly articulate concerns to the group in such a way to be reproduced moving forward. 


Inshore Harvester, 

Submitted by
Administrator on behalf of Troy Hardy
Public Notice
Date Submitted
2024-03-04 - 6:10 AM
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