Aspen Power Station Project conflicts with net zero targets

Reference Number

Building another natural gas power plant in Saskatchewan does not align with Canada's Climate Action goals to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.  When we know better, we must do better!  We know that burning fossil fuels contributes to dangerous climate change.  Alternate technology exists to provide energy with lower emissions.  Continuing to build O&G infrastructure is like taking 10 steps backwards.  We must not continue with business as usual.  Building a new natural gas power plant with a lifespan of 25 years (beyond 2050) does not match up with what should be our priorities in a climate emergency!  Individuals can take steps to reduce their impacts (reducing energy consumption and reduce emissions), however residents and businesses rely on our government and Saskpower to take steps to decarbonize our power grid to reduce our scope 3 emissions.  I expect government to be leaders not laggards when it comes to sustainability and working towards improving quality of life for everyone.

Submitted by
Shannon Wright
Public Notice
Comment Tags
Climate change General opposition to project Project Alternatives
Date Submitted
2023-07-06 - 12:00 PM
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